Back Forward Working with the My Alerts display

Select Run menu> My Alerts to view lines from the current Alert log on the server node produced by your own requestor session. (You can access the same display from the My Alerts link of the Performance tool summary display.)

NoteThis display is limited to the current Alert log; alerts in older logs are not visible. Depending on your log file systems settings, a new log may start each time a node is started, at specific time each day, or on another basis.

My Alerts notification

During your requestor session, a pop-up message appears briefly when an alert is triggered.

To turn off the pop-up feature, select Preferences > View from the Designer Studio Profile menu and clear the Show Alerts Popup checkbox in the My Alerts group.

Working with the initial display




The alerts are ordered by date and time; the first row is the most current. Click to see Collapsedthe details of one row. Click Collapsedto hide details. For an explanation of the most useful details, see Understanding Alerts. For detailed information about every field reported by each alert type, consult the PDNAlert Log 5.4, a PDF document available on the PDN.

Date and Time

Date and time of the alert, converted from GMT to the time zone of the server.

Alert Type

A text description of the alert type. For example, the text BrowserInteraction corresponds to alert type PEGA0001, interaction times. Other types are Database (PEGA002 to PEGA007) .


The measured value of the Key Performance Indicator, recorded in seconds, as a count, or in bytes.


The sequence number of the browser-to-server interaction since the requestor session began, as indicated by the Performance tool display.


Work pool that the requestor is using, or none.

Last Input

A portion of the URL received in the most recent interaction. Typically the text Stream= or Activity= and the name of an activity or stream rule run by the URL.

First Activity

For alerts from interactive requestors, the first activity or stream run by this requestor in the current interaction. (This activity or stream may or may not have caused the alert.)


If more than 20 alerts meet the criteria, the oldest 20 appear.



Lines per page

Enter an integer between 1 and 200 to change the number presented per page.

Number of pages presented

Set a maximum number of pages to present as numbered links, between 2 and 20.

Filter by

Optional. Enter a text string to limit the display to only alert lines containing an exact match anywhere within the line. Leave blank for no filtering.

Case is not significant. For example, enter [email protected] to find lines containing this value, or containing [email protected].

Definitions Alert log, key performance indicator
Related topics Understanding alerts
How to monitor interactive response times

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