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About Flow Actions

PRPC contains dozens of standard flow action instances in the Work- class for you to use or copy and modify. You can reference them in your application or copy and modify them to meet your custom needs.

To select at runtime one of these flow actions in a user form, your access role must provide the AllFlowActions privilege or the ActionZzzzz privilege, where Zzzzz is the name of the standard flow action.

This table shows selected standard flow actions that can be used only as local flow actions, those that do not complete an assignment. Other standard flow actions can be used as either local flow actions or connector flow actions. They are not listed here. See Standard Flow Actions (Connector/Local).

NoteUsers can select one of these flow actions at runtime only if they hold the AllFlowActions privilege or the ActionZzzzz privilege, where Zzzzz is the name of the standard flow action.

NoteUse this table as a starting point only, to identify flow actions that may be useful for your application. Do not rely on the second key part (property pyAction) the Short Description (property pyLabel) alone; review the entire flow action for suitability for your requirements. Two flow actions may have nearly identical function but distinct Short Description text, each suitable in context. Conversely, two flow actions may have similar Short Description text but provide different processing.

Except as indicated, all these flow actions have Work-. as the Applies To key part.


Flow Action


AddAttachments Add a file attachment and assign it to an attachment category. How to use attachment categories
Work-Cover-.AddCovered Adds a covered work object to the current (covering) object. Override this standard flow action to specify the work type of the covered work object. cover
AddFlow Start a new flow execution for this work item.  
AddMultipleAttachments Add multiple file attachments, with a category for each, in a single action. How to use attachment categories
AddParty Add a party to a work item, as controlled by the associated work parties rule. work party
AddToCover Include this work item as belonging to a cover, another work item in a Work-Cover- class. This flow action supports a search for the appropriate cover and selection from search results. By default, not eligible for bulk processing. cover
AddtoFolder Create a Link-Folder instance associating this work item with a folder. Select the work pool, then select the folder work item. folder
AttachAFile Attach a file to the work item, including an explanatory note but no attachment category. Supports browsing for the file to be attached. Uses HTTP (or HTTPS) to upload the file.  
ApproveSample Enter a text note (property .pyDetail) and an actual effort value (property .pyEffortActual). Does not alter work item status. This action used in applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator.  
AttachANote Type in a text note that becomes an attachment to the work item.  
AttachAScreenShot Select one window from a list of windows on the Windows desktop, and then capture and attach a screen shot JPG image to the work item history, with an explanatory note.  
AttachAUrl Attach a URL reference to the work object with an explanatory note.  
AttachFromScanner Starts the Image Viewer tool to view or update a TIFF file from a scanner. About the Image Viewer



Flow Action



ChangeAssignmentSLA Select a service level rule to apply to this assignment instance only. Does not change the service level rule associated with this assignment in the flow rule. By default, not eligible for bulk processing. service level
ChangeOwnerOrg Change the ownership of the work object — organization, division, or unit. By default, not eligible for bulk processing. ownership
ChangeSatisfaction Change the value of root cause, customer satisfaction status, and work item status. By default, not eligible for bulk processing. root cause,
customer satisfaction,
ChangeWorkSLA Update the service level and related fields (goal and deadline date/times, urgency adjustments) for work object and current assignment. service level

E to H


Flow Action



EditAttachment Create a version of a file attachment using a workstation program based on the file type of an attachment. (For example, if the file type is XLS, the program is Microsoft Excel.) By default, this flow action is not eligible for bulk processing. file attachment
Flows Presents the  Start a new process   button, allowing the user to select and start an additional flow execution on this work item.  

I to Z


Flow Action



RequestAssistance Allows users to request that a co-worker enter a note attachment. collaboration flow
RejectSample Enter a text note (property .pyDetail). Does not update work item status. This action used in applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator.  
RemoveFromCover Remove the work item from the cover. cover
RemoveFromFolder End the association of the work item with a specific folder work item. folder
Save Update the work item without completing the assignment, saving changes to various property values. Validation occurs.  
Select multiple To, CC, and BCC recipients for email correspondence.  
SendCorrespondence Select the recipient party. The recipient must be a valid choice when assignments are transferred in bulk. This flow action calls the BuildCorr flow. By default, not eligible for bulk processing. work party
Transfer Transfer an assignment to another operator or to a workbasket. (This action must be a valid choice when assignments are transferred in bulk.) The Short Description is "ReAssign".  
TransferAdvanced Transfer assignment to another by choosing the work group first, and then an operator within that work group. The Short Description is "Transfer".  
TransferToManager Transfer this assignment to the manager of the current assignee for clarification, escalation, or other reasons.  
UrgencyUpdate Update the work item urgency. urgency
VerifyProperty Advanced featureCause the system to start backward chaining to obtain the value of property pyResolutionCost. (To experiment with backward chaining, copy this rule and change the GoalProperty activity parameter to the property that applies in your situation.) backward
VerifyPropertywithListing Similar to VerifyProperty, but can present the user with a listing of possible values to choose from for the missing property. backward

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