How to import and export Requirements or Specifications
Application specifications and requirements can be easily imported and exported using Excel and options on the
> Application > Profile landing page. You can work with a blank template, start with a copy of the existing items in your application, or upload a file from your local system.
This topic guides you through the common processes that apply to both requirements and specifications.
How to import
- Navigate to the Specifications or Requirements tab on the Application Profile landing page.
- Select the
> Import from Excel option to launch the import wizard.
- Specify the location of your Excel file in the File: field.
- If you do not have a pre-populated Excel file, and only want to import new items, click Download a template; you then need to author the Excel file before progressing the wizard.
- If you do not have a pre-populated Excel file, and want to bulk update existing items, click Export existing[...]; you then need to edit the Excel file before progressing the wizard.
- Once a file has been specified, click Next to progress the wizard.
- Review the summary before completing the import.
New requirements and specifications are saved to the highest, unlocked ruleset version in your application.
How to export
- Navigate to Specifications or Requirements tab on the Application Profile landing page.
- Select the
> Export to Excel option.
- Wait for the system to generate the Excel file. When complete, the pop up window displays a message: "Excel file created. Click here to save <Application Name>_[...].xlsx file locally."
- Save the file on your local system. Do not change the default .xlsx file extension.
- Close the pop up window.
Items that are filtered (or hidden) from the specifications table or requirements table at the time of export are not included in the generated Excel file.