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Standard user forms offer important capabilities and power to application users. You can customize the standard forms to meet design or usage requirements for your application.

This topic presents general information about using user for applications created with the Application Express in Pega 7.1+. When building on PegaRULES or PegaDM, Application Express copies the standard harnesses Work-.New, Work-.Perform, Work-.Confirm, and Work-.Review into your application work types and RuleSets. For new development, it is a best practice to use these V7.1+ forms, which allow for easy customization and upgrading as new functionality becomes available.

Parts of user forms

User forms enables users to update or complete an assignment, or start a new local flow action, connector action, create a new subcase, or start a supporting process. Users can also view the assignments and subcases related to the case. Information includes who the case or assignment is assigned to, the deadline, and the work status. The information that appears may differ based on the portal rules, harnesses, and other features of your applications, and where the form appears in the process.

Form header

The header on a user form contains three controls:

Form layout

The harness contains two columns. The left column has three tabs: Overview, Information, and Audit. The right column is persistent, and consists of four areas: a box of six quick reference links, an Attachments area, the Pega Pulse area, and the Work Parties area.

The positions of the areas may vary depending upon how wide you set the portal in your browser.

Definitions correspondence, cover, folder
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About Harnesses

About Sections
Completing the Create form

UpPortals in applications