This term has several uses.
Instances of the Rule-Message class define the text of a clipboard message or a rule warning. Use the Records Explorer to review a list of existing messages.
A message is a text clipboard value, generated by the system and associated with a property or a page. A message can convey error conditions, progress, or exceptions to a user.
Although messages appear as values on the clipboard, they are not defined through properties. A clipboard page containing messages generally can't be saved into the database, as the message typically indicates that the page (or a property on it) is invalid. The value of a property may not meet the requirements of a permanent instance of the page's class because of missing or incorrect data.
Ordinary messages are associated with a single property and value. They may indicate that the property value is not valid. Page messages are associated with an entire page.
On the Clipboard tool left panel display, messages appear in red.
When a workstation user submits an HTML form to PRPC, previous page messages corresponding to the input are cleared, and property messages are cleared for any value that changed.
Several system interface protocols, including SOAP, WebSphere MQ, Internet email, and Java Message Services use messages.
You can send correspondence to a cell phone or beeper using Short Message Service, sometimes called "text messaging."
Java Message Services, validation, WebSphere MQ | |
About Message rules
About the Clipboard tool Property-Set-Messages method Page-Set-Messages method |