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To validate a property or a page means to check its value against certain rules, and add a message to the property or page if validation fails. An invalid page (a page that has any associated messages) usually cannot be stored into the database.

A validate rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Validate rule type. These rules test property values, typically immediately after they are submitted on a browser form.

Activities use the Obj-Validate method to call a validate rule to test a set of property values. Object validation is optional and occurs only when explicitly designed into your application. Object validation can enforce restrictions on values beyond those in the properties.

When a workstation user submits an HTML form to the PRPC server, existing page messages corresponding to the input are cleared, and property messages are cleared for any value that changed.

A custom activity can also check values on a clipboard page. A custom activity is necessary if the needed tests are more complex than can be recorded in a validate rule. Informally, activities created for this purpose are called validation activities.

A validation rule may reference edit validate rules (Rule-Edit-Validate rule type).

Definitions client-side format validation, message, property validation, type
Related topics About Validate rules
About Edit Validate rules
About the Clipboard tool
Validating user input — Concepts and terms
Standard rules Atlas — Standard validate rules
