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Use the Clipboard tool when developing and debugging to:

The Clipboard tool displays two panels:

To interact with the clipboard:

  1. Select a Thread from the Clipboard header. Every Thread in your requestor session has a clipboard context. Each open tab on the Designer Studio has a dedicated Thread. Thread names correspond to their tab names; work item Threads are identified by their IDs. By default, the thread for the selected tab appears when you open the clipboard.
  2. Select an aggregate object in the left panel, which may be of mode Page, Page List, Page Group, Value List, or Value Group.
  3. Review or interact using menus and links in either panel.


Refreshing the contents on the clipboard

Your clipboard resides in memory on the server. As you interact with the Clipboard tool at your workstation, you see a static snapshot copy. You can send the latest clipboard contents to your workstation for a single page or for all pages on the clipboard

To access and redisplay a single aggregate property and its elements, select a page on the page tree in the left panel and do one of the following:

Information in the top-level page containing the currently selected property is refreshed, and the current property remains selected. If the property currently selected (or a containing page) was removed and is no longer present in the clipboard, a message appears.


Review page structure in the left panel

The left panel presents the entire clipboard for the currently selected Thread as a tree, growing from the left.

Click a name or expand arrow to display any node in the left panel to view the page structure it contains. Click again or click a collapse arrow to hide) the pages within a page.

The clipboard contains three groups of pages:

Three single, system-maintained pages are always present and are displayed when you click the Show Advanced link at the bottom of the tree:

Each top-level page may contain other pages that in turn may contain other pages, and so on. For most pages, the class of the page appears in parentheses after the page name and a single space. (For group and list properties, additional parentheses appear around subscripts.)

Every embedded page is defined by a property. Properties of mode Page , Page Group , and Page List may appear as embedded on the clipboard. Pages may contain properties (of any mode) and messages.

The branch structure of the tree in the left panel directly corresponds to the fully qualified name of a property reference. For example, the property reference:


identifies a Single Value property named pyConfirmationNote embedded on a page named pxFlow("VacationRequest"), an element of a Page Group named pxFlow on the top-level user page named pyWorkPage.

Square brackets and the term [Refers to ..] indicate a reference property. The text in the square brackets identifies the non-reference page.


Using the Tools menu

Click the Tools menu on the Clipboard header to do the following:

NoteTo eliminate unnecessary processing, disable this facility except when you need the additional detail it provides.


Using right-click command menu

You can perform the following right-click commands on a page you select in the tree. Options that update the clipboard are available only to users who have the hold the clipboardViewerUpdate privilege.



Refresh Page

Select to cause the Clipboard tool to access and redisplay only a single aggregate property and its elements.

Delete Page

Select to delete a page. Confirm the deletion in the resulting dialog box.

You can't delete a data page.

Show XML

Select to display the page's underlying XML. Use this command to see pz properties and other clipboard entries that aren't truly properties.

Execute Activity

Select to test a rule without the need to create a test activity that creates the pages and properties expected as starting conditions for the rule. The selected page becomes the primary page for the activity.

An Execute Activity dialog appears and displays the class of the selected page in the Page Class field.

  1. Enter the Activity Name key part.
  2. Click Get Params to enter parameter values.
  3. Click Execute Activity to run it.


Review property values in the right panel

When you select a page in the left panel, all Value List, Value Group, and Single Value properties on that page appear in the right panel, sorted by property name. Property messages appear in red text.

Click a property name to open its form in Designer Studio.

Values of TextEncrypted properties are encrypted. They appear as blank in this display.

The following options are available in the right panel.




Click to cause the Clipboard tool to access and redisplay the properties on the current page.

EditSelect to add a single value property to a page, modify an editable property value, or delete an editable property from the page. When you select Edit the following occurs:
  • Editable property values appear in text boxes
  • The Add option appears above the properties list
  • The Delete icon ( ) appears at the end of a row containing an editable property

When you are finished with your edits, click Save to keep your updates and save the page to the database, or click Cancel to cancel them.

NoteYou cannot edit a data page.

AddTo add a single value property to a page, select the Edit option, select a row in the list, and click Add. Enter the property name and value in the Add properties dialog box.

Note You cannot add an embedded property.

SaveThis option is available when you click Edit. Click Save to save your updated page to the database.

CautionPRPC does not validate properties on the page. This action can introduce invalid data into the database.

This option is available when you click Edit. Select a row containing an editable property and click to delete it from the page.

This option is available when you click Edit. Click Discard to cancel your updates.

ActionsClick to select either the Show XML or Execute Activity commands as described previously.

CautionChanging your clipboard contents or structure may affect the integrity of your system or your application results. Change clipboard values with this tool only in a debugging situation. Deleting properties or saving altered pages may introduce invalid data into the database.


Searching for properties or values on the clipboard

Use the search tool located at the top of the right panel to find properties or known text values as follows:

  1. In the Find box, type the full or partial search term for a property name or value. As a best practice, refresh the page or the clipboard before starting the search. The search is performed on your current clipboard, which may be more up to date than the contents in the Clipboard tool display on your workstation.
  2. In the Pages box, select a page name or All Pages.
  3. Press the Enter keyboard key to start the process. The system searches the (internal representation of) property names and values at all levels, and reports the full name, property reference, and the value (or a segment of the value, if the value is longer than 60 characters).
  4. A Search Results dialog appears and displays the results. To filter them, click the down arrow next to a header to open the filter dialog.

NoteYou cannot search for blanks, non-printing characters or null values. Also, the text of Page-Message clipboard elements is not searched.

NoteSome clipboard values are Base64-encoded text representing binary objects, such as JPG image files, Word DOC files, or compiled programs. You can't search for a word that appears on the image or within the DOC file.


Page Messages

A page names with errors appear in red text on the left panel. Click the name to view messages associated with properties on this page in the right panel.


Measuring the size of the clipboard

The Clipboard display shows the contents of the clipboard, but not its size in bytes. Large clipboards can affect performance because memory in the Java Virtual Machine supporting PRPC holds the clipboards of all requestors.


Properties and pages not found on the clipboard

The following items are not visible on the clipboard:


Note: The Application page contains much, but not all, of the properties that make up the requestor's application rule.


Definitionsdata page, primary page, requestor page, Thread, top-level page, clipboard
Related topicsUnderstanding page names and reserved pages
Data Model category — Clipboard Pages page, Named Pages and Data Pages tabs
Standard rulesStandard properties on the pxProcess page (Code-Pega-Process class)
Standard properties on the pxRequestor page (Code-Pega-Requestor class)
Standard properties on the pxThread page (Code-Pega-Thread class)

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