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  User portal basics — Interacting with list view displays

Controls at the top of list view displays allow you to quickly access the rows that you need. (These controls are not visible and not available if the Hide Column Header option is selected on the Display Fields tab of the list view rule.)

Use these features to modify the current report display as desired. Your changes are temporary — they are not saved and do not affect the report display of other users.

(To learn about interactions with reports based on report definitions, see Manager portal — Working with the Report Viewer.)

To sort rows by values of a column

Click a column title to sort the rows based on the values in that column.

This capability is available only when the Enable sorting option is selected on the Display Fields tab of the list view rule.

To filter the display to show only those rows that match a specific column value

Click the filtering button to display the filter pop-up menu. On the menu, select the check box next to each property to sort and click Apply.

This capability is available only when the Enable Filtering option is selected on the Display Fields tab of the list view rule.

To show or hide additional columns

Click the filtering button to display the filter pop-up menu. On the menu, click the Add/Remove Columns link. Check the check box next to each column to show or hide in the report and click Apply.

This capability is available only when the Enable adding/removing columns option is selected on the Display Fields tab of the list view rule.

To rearrange the order of columns

Click the column header and drag it to a new location on the report.


Most processing for these options occurs on the user workstation; the speed of execution depends on your own workstation's available memory and processor speeds. Sorting or filtering hundreds or thousands of rows may take several seconds.

For an example of these capabilities, see PDN article Interacting with list view displays.

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