Decision management
Use the text analytics functionality for sentiment, classification, and entity extraction analysis. Create an instance of the Free Text Model rule and reference it in a data flow. Analyze text-based content, including news feeds, emails, and postings on social media streams, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Process real-time events with the Event Strategy rule. Create an instance of the Event Strategy rule and reference it in a data flow. Use event strategy to detect meaningful events in a stream of real-time data and react to the detected events in a timely manner.
Use the PMML upload wizard in the Predictive Model rule form to upload external models in PMML format. Validate the models and receive immediate feedback when they contain errors. Use the enhanced error messages and the Model XML preview in the rule form to fix errors.
Set report definitions as primary and secondary sources in data flows.
When using a Database Table data set as the destination of the data flow, you can specify whether to insert new records or insert new records and overwrite the existing ones.
Run simulations and test strategies for single and multiple customers. Identify the most popular propositions offered to customers, check the overall strategy performance, and examine the performance of the individual components.