Use the Adaptive Models Management landing page to manage the adaptive models specific to your application. Models in the ADM system are the result of executing a strategy that contains adaptive model components. An adaptive model component references the adaptive model rule that configures how the model is created, how it learns and how it predicts behavior.
Click the Designer Studio menu item.
Select Decisioning > Predictive Analytics > Adaptive Models Management.
Note: When opening this landing page, Pega 7 Platform checks the status of the UpdateAdaptiveModels agent. If the agent is not running, go to the Services landing page and press Start Agent.
The Adaptive Models Management landing page is available in applications that have access to the Decision Management rule sets or in applications built on PegaDM.
The overview of adaptive models shows the information about every adaptive model. The information displayed in the overview depends on the configuration of adaptive models and how each adaptive model component is defined in the strategy:
The Show last responses link allows you to open the Last Responses Overview dialog showing response model and predictor information for the last five records sent to the ADM database. You can use the information provided in this dialog to troubleshoot the learning process by: