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 Image Library landing page

The Image Library landing page contains one tab that helps process and system architects locate images saved as binary file rules in the current application, plus those in base RuleSets. Each .GIF or .JPG image appears along with its name and the Relative Path.

Access it by selecting the Designer Studio > User Interface > Image Library menu item.

The Image Catalog is a pop-up version of the Image Library landing page. The Catalog is available in some user interface element properties panels. For example, an Image field in a container properties panel lets you place an image in the container header. Clicking the magnifying glass icon () next to the field opens the Catalog.

  1. Enter any portion of a File Name key part in the Search box, or a file name followed by a period and file type, such as plus.gif. Click the Search Images button to locate images that contain matching text within the key.
  2. The number of images is displayed in blue, and the search results display shows a preview of each image, its full name, and its width and height in pixels. Select any preview to learn the full name and path (Application Name key part) of the image. If the actual image is larger than the preview, a () magnifying glass appears in the corner of the image — hover the mouse pointer anywhere over the preview tile to see the image at its normal size.
  3. Select the image, and the image thumbnail and path information for the selected image appears in the upper right-hand corner of the Image Library tab.
  4. Click Open Rule to open the binary file rule.
  5. Click the close box to end work with the Image Library.


For example, enter logo as a search term to locate and preview all binary file rules (accessible to you) that contain "logo" in any key part.


The library includes rules with JPG, PNG, and GIF file types. Adobe Flash (SWF), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Windows bitmaps (BMP) and icons (ICO file) are not included.


Related topics About Binary File rules
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