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Email-based work processing

Email-based work processing lets work managers approve, disapprove, or take another action by using an email response.

By using email-based work processing, work managers can respond to an email that contains the appropriate flow action links to handle the request item. The response is received, validated, and processed by the application server so that a new work item is created and routed to a user or workbasket. For step-by-step instructions for an example, see PDN article 26435 How to configure email-based work processing.


Use the Email Wizard to generate service rules configured with the service activity pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail when you select Receive and email and create/manage a work object. This activity captures and validates the incoming email by checking for a valid work object ID in the subject line and a value of true on the allowCreateWork input parameter. After validation, a new work item is created for the incoming email and work item processing is delegated to the agent pyProcessEmailRequest. Configure the flow to route the new work item to a worklist or workbasket.

Work-ProcessEmail class

The class Work-ProcessEmail, mapped to the pc_work_processemail table in the PegaRULES database, contains the following rules:



Work- class

The following rules apply to Work-:

Correspondence rules

Most of these correspondence rules are used for email processing failures. Save and customize in your application work class and RuleSet.

Correspondence rules
Work-.pzEmailActions Sends the correspondence with flow action links.
Work-.pyTaskAlreadyProcessed Sends failure notification if assignment is already processed.
Work-.pyMissingMandatoryData Sends failure notification if incoming mail does not contain a mandatory note for a specific action, such as a reason for a Reject action.
Work-.pyTaskUnderProcessing Sends failure notification if multiple actions on the same assignment are requested in parallel.
Work-.pyEmailApprovalRequestFailure Sends failure notification if an agent fails to process the work item after a specified number of attempts.

HTML rule


The instance Work-ProcessEmail maps Work-ProcessEmail class to the pc_work_processemail table. This table is used for recording the status of asynchronous processing of incoming emails. This table is similar to pc_work, with the following additional columns:

pc_work-processemail table
pyItemID Stores the work item ID extracted from incoming email
pyAssignmentID Stores the assignment ID (parsed from the subject line) on which the action is to be taken
pyRetryCount Stores the number of attempts the agent can use before sending a failure email if the work item is locked by another user
pyItemClass Stores the class name of the flow to process
pyEmailFrom Stores the approver email ID
pyActionRequested Stores the action requested for the assignment
pyOperatorID Stores the operator ID the corresponds to the approver email ID
pyStatusMessage Stores the status of the work item, such as a success or failure message
Definitions correspondence, database table
Related topics About Email Account data instances
Help — Email Accelerator
Email Wizard
Standard rules Atlas — Email Account Instances
