This topic describes PegaRULES database tables that support indexes. Most have table names that start with one of these values:
Instances of concrete classes derived from the Index- base class support reporting and rapid data access. Such instances are created and deleted by Declare Index rules.
These standard database tables store index instances.
Table |
Description |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-AssignmentDep class, which support dependent assignment processing. See case-type dependency. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-ApplicationBranch class, which relates branches of applications to the application rule containing the branch. See branch RuleSet. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-FlowRef class, which contains indexes of flows cross referenced by cover class. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-WorkPartyURI class. These instances support rapid lookup work items based on a party identifier such as an email address, Zip code, telephone number or account number. |
Holds rows (if any) for other concrete classes derived from the Index- base class not covered by the other tables. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-CSS class, which associates a CSS selector with the harness, section, or flow action that includes it, for performance reasons. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-AccessGroupRoles class, which allows quick access to the access roles in access groups. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-AccessGroupWorkPools class, which allows quick access to the work pools in access groups. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-AccessGroupAssignmentSkills class, which allows quick access the skills needed by an assignment that uses intelligent routing. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-CircumstanceDefinition class, which supports searches for rules by circumstance. About Circumstance Definition rules. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-CustomFields class, which contains instances that allow developers to search for rules with one or more custom fields. See How to select and classify rules using Custom Fields. |
Supports communication between this system and an AES system. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-Operator class, which links operators to access groups. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-OperatorSkills class, which supports skill-based routing. See More about skill rules. |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-Reference class, which contains instances supporting the Referencing Rules display, available from the Related Rules toolbar button (![]() |
Rows correspond to instances of the Index-Pega-ScheduledTask class, which relates subscribers to scheduled report executions (work items of class Pega-ScheduledTask). See scheduled task. |
Holds instances of the Index-Warning class, containing warning messages produced upon Save or revalidate operations. Used in the Guardrails tool operations. |
The pzInsKey value for rows of these tables is formed from the properties pxInsIndexedKey, pxIndexCount, and pxIndexPurpose, in that order. The pxIndexCount property makes each row unique. This property is zero-based; the first (oldest) index instance has a pxIndexCount of 0. The pxIndexPurpose key part identifies the Declare Index rule that created the index
These tables, which contain rows automatically created and deleted by rules of type Rule-Declare-Index, are different from database indexes, defined by SQL that is maintained within the database by Oracle or other database software. Both support alternate key access to other instances (rows), but the two indexing facilities are independent and unrelated.