You are here: Reference > Standard data instances > Database tables

  Atlas — Initial Database Tables (Data-Admin-DB-Table)

About Database Table data instances

When initially installed, V6.3 contains around 110 database table (Data-Admin-DB-Table) data instances, linked to about 105 database tables and 7 views in the PegaRULES database.

For example, the database table instance named Data-Admin-Operator-ID is linked to the pr_operators relational table. The database table instance named Data-Admin- references a different relational table pr_data, a catch-all table that contains rows for instances of concrete classes derived from Data- that are not contained in other tables.

This table lists the PegaRULES database tables and an example of a concrete class that maps to that table. No classes are initially mapped to the pr_other table, the default catch-all table for instances of classes not explicitly mapped.

To see the databases, database tables, and database indexes in your system, and the schema changes that have occurred, select Designer Studio> System > Database > Schema Change Tracking.

Assign- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Assign- pr_assign Tables for assignments
Assign-External pr_assign Tables for assignments
Assign-WorkBasket pc_assign_workbasket Tables for assignments
Assign-Worklist pc_assign_worklist Tables for assignments

Data- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Data- pr_data Tables for data objects
Data-Admin- pr_data_admin Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-Connect- pi_data_connect Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-DB- pr4_base Table and column basics
Data-Admin-Operator-ID pr_operators Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-Products-Restore- pr_data_restore6.3 Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-Products-Installed- pr_data_products6.3 Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-System-Settings pr_data_admin Tables for data objects
Data-Assignment-AllAssignments pc_AllAssignments Views and indexes
Data-Assignment-Summary pcv4_assignment_summary Views and indexes
Data-Assignment-WBSummary pcv4_assignmentwb_summary Views and indexes
Data-Autotest-Result-Case pr_data_autotest Tables for data objects
Data-Autotest-Result-Suite pr_data_autotest Tables for data objects
Data-Circumstance-Duplicates pwbv4_circumstance_duplicates Views and indexes
Data-Content-Image pr_data_file Tables for data objects
Data-Project-Task pr_data_pmf_worklist Tables for data objects
Data-Report-Category pr_data_category not used in V6.1SP2+
Data-Report-Shortcut pr_data_shortcut not used in V6.1SP2+
Data-Rule-ClassAncestor pr_class_ancestors Tables for data objects
Data-Rule-Locking pwbv4_rule_locking Views and indexes
Data-Rule-Overrides pwbv4_rule_overrides Views and indexes
Data-Rule-Summary pr4_rule_vw Views and indexes
Data-Social-Tag pr_data_tag Tables for data objects
Data-UIGallery-RepeatingLayouts-CompanyDetails pr_data_sample_uidetails Tables for data objects
Data-UIGallery-RepeatingLayouts-EmployeeDetails pr_data_sample_uidetails Tables for data objects
Data-UIGallery-RepeatingLayouts-PlantDetails pr_data_sample_uidetails 6.3 Tables for data objects
Data-UniqueID pc_data_uniqueid Tables for data objects
Data-Work-History pcv4_work_history Views and indexes
Data-WorkAttach- pc_data_workattach Tables for data objects

History- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

History- pr_history Tables for history
History-Data- pr_history_data Tables for history
History-PegaAccel pc_history_work Tables for history
History-PegaSample pc_history_work Tables for history
History-Rule pr4_history_rule Tables for history
History-Work- pc_history_work Tables for history

Index- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Index- pr_index Index- tables
Index-AccessGroupRoles pr_index_accessgrouproles Index- tables
Index-AccessGroupWorkPools pr_index_accessgroupwkpools Index- tables
Index-ApplicationBranch pr_app_branch_idx Index- tables
Index-AssignmentDeps pr_index_assignmentdeps Index- tables
Index-AssignmentSkills pr_indexassignmentskills Index- tables
Index-CircumstanceDefinition pr_index_circumstance_def Index- tables
Index-CSS pr_index_css 6.2 Index- tables
Index-CustomFields pr_index_customfields Index- tables
Index-FlowRef pc_index_flowref Index- tables
Index-Operator pc_index_operators Index- tables
Index-OperatorSkills pr_index_operatorskills Index- tables
Index-Pega-Scheduled-Task pr_index_scheduledtask Index- tables
Index-Reference pr_index_reference Index- tables
Index-UpdateAccessUsers pc_index_accel Index- tables
Index-Warning pr_index_warnings Index- tables
Index-WorkPartyURI pc_index_workparty Index- tables

Link- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Link- pr_link Link- tables
Link-Attachment pc_link_attachment Link- tables
Link-Folder pc_link_folder Link- tables
Link-Project pr_link_pmf_rulechanges Link- tables
Link-Requirement pr_link_usecase Link- tables
Link-Tag pr_link_work_tag Link- tables
Link-TopCase pc_link_topcase Link- tables
Link-UseCase pr_link_usecase Link- tables

Log- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Log- pr_log Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-DataAccessAudit pr_log_dataaccessaudit Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Parameters pr_license_parameters Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Daily pr_daily_usage Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Hourly pr_hourly_usage Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Summary pr_usage_summary Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-ReportStatistics pr_log_reportstats Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-RuleUsage pr4_log_rule_usage Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-RuleUsage-Details pr4_log_rule_usage_details Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-SecurityAudit pr_log_securityaudit Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-System- pr_changelog Log and miscellaneous tables
Log-Usage pr_perf_stats Log and miscellaneous tables

Pega database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Pega-CEP-Subscription pr_cep_user_subscriptions Log and miscellaneous tables
Pega-CEP-CEPEventsLookup pr_cep_eventslookup Log and miscellaneous tables
Pega-Event pc_events Log and miscellaneous tables
Pega-Event-System pc_cep_events_repository Log and miscellaneous tables
Pega-Event-System-Action pc_cep_events_repository Log and miscellaneous tables
Pega-Portal- pr_portal_state Log and miscellaneous tables

Rule- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Rule- pr4_rule Tables for rules
Rule-Application-Requirement pr4_rule_requirement Tables for rules
Rule-Application-UseCase pr4_rule_usecase Tables for rules
Rule-AutoTest- pr4_rule_autotest Tables for rules
Rule-Category pr4_rule_shortcut Tables for rules
Rule-File- pr4_rule_file Tables for rules
Rule-Generated-Activity pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Class pr4_base Tables for data objects
Rule-Obj-FieldValue pr4_fieldvalue Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Flow pr4_rule_flow Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Property pr4_rule_property Tables for rules
Rule-RuleSet- pr4_rule_ruleset Tables for rules
Rule-Shortcut pr4_rule_shortcut Tables for rules
Rule-System-Generated-Access pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules

System- database table mappings

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

System-AppCentric-Cache-Dependency pr_sys_appcache_dep System tables
System-AppCentric-Cache-Entry pr_sys_appcache_entry System tables
System-AppCentric-Cache-Shortcut pr_sys_appcache_shortcut System tables
System-ApplicationRuleSetIndex pr_sys_app_ruleset_index System tables
System-Cache-Dependency pr_sys_cache_dep System tables
System-Cache-Entry pr_sys_cache_entry System tables
System-Cache-Implementation pr_sys_cache_impl System tables
System-CachedConclusion pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules
System-Declare-Changes pr_sys_decchg System tables
System-Job-PropertyOptimization pr_sysjobs System tables
System-Locks pr_sys_locks System tables
System-Queue- pr_sys_queue System tables
System-Queue-ColumnPopulation pr_sys_queue_col_pop System tables
System-Queue-Events pr_cep_events_queue Log and miscellaneous tables
System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Connect- pr_sys_queue_execreq_conn System tables
System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Service pr_sys_queue_execreq_svc System tables
System-Queue-ServiceLevel pr_sys_queue_sla System tables
System-Queue-StartingFlows pr_sys_queue_startflows System tables
System-Queue-TestSuite pr_sys_queue_autotest System tables
System-Requestor-Context pr_sys_context System tables
System-RuleSet-Index pr_sys_ruleset_index System tables
System-SavedPages pr_page_store System tables
System-Status-Nodes pr_sys_statusnodes System tables
System-Updates-Cache pr_sys_updatescache System tables
System-User- pr_sys_user System tables
System-Work-Indexer pr_sys_workindexer_queue System tables

Work- and miscellaneous tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Work- pc_work Tables for work items
Work-ProcessEmail pc_Work_ProcessEmail Tables for work items
Pega-DM-Batch-Work pc_work_dsm_batch Tables for work items
PegaAccel- pc_work_accel Tables for work items
Pega-Event pc_events Tables for work items
Pega-Portal- pr_portal_state System tables
PegaSample pc_work Tables for work items
PegaForecaster pc_work (Not used)
  pegaam_alert Part of AES. Unused unless AES is installed.
  pegaam_log_usage Part of AES. Unused unless AES is installed.
Pega-CEP-Subscription pr_cep_user_subscriptions Tables for Business Event Definition subscriptions. Note: Business events are deprecated in 7.1.7.
Pega-Event-System pc_cep_events_repository Tables for Business Event Definitions. Note: Business events are deprecated in 7.1.7.
Pega-Event-System-Action pc_cep_events_repository Tables for actions related to Business Event Definitions. Note: Business events are deprecated in 7.1.7.
Pega-ScheduledTask pc_schedule_task scheduled task, Tables for work items
Pega-DM-Batch-Work pc_work_dsm_batch Table for DSM work objects. See Decisioning category — Simulations landing page.
(none) pr_other Table of last resort.
Related topics Working with the PegaRULES database
Working with the PegaRULES database — Common data management tasks
Working with the PegaRULES database — Schema changes

UpAbout Database Table data instances
Up Atlas — Initial Data Instances