public interface ClipboardPage extends StringMap
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static byte |
Potential value of
aPutAllOption passed to
putAll(Map, byte) . |
static byte |
Potential value of
aPutAllOption passed to
putAll(Map, byte) . |
static byte |
Potential value of
aPutAllOption passed to
putAll(Map, byte) . |
static java.lang.String |
static byte |
Potential value of
aXMLOption passed to
getXML(byte) . |
static byte |
Potential value of
aXMLOption passed to
getXML(byte) . |
static byte |
Potential value of
aXMLOption passed to
getXML(byte) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr)
Associates a message with this page.
boolean |
addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr,
java.lang.String aReference)
Associates a message with a property on this page.
boolean |
addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr,
java.lang.String aFieldName,
java.lang.String aClassName)
Associates a message with this page.
boolean |
addMessages(ClipboardPage aSourcePage)
Copies all of the page messages on aSourcePage and adds them to this page's messages.
boolean |
addMessageWithKey(java.lang.String aMsgDescr,
java.lang.String aPzInsKey)
Associates a message and pzInsKey of its originated rule with this page.
boolean |
addMessageWithKey(java.lang.String aMsgDescr,
java.lang.String aFieldName,
java.lang.String aClassName,
java.lang.String aPzInsKey)
Associates a message and pzInsKey of its originated rule with this page.
void |
adoptJSONArray(java.lang.String aJSON,
java.lang.String aReference)
Imports the contents of a JSON Object onto this page.
void |
adoptJSONObject(java.lang.String aJSON)
Imports the contents of a JSON Object onto this page.
void |
adoptXMLForm(byte[] aXML)
Imports the contents of an XML document onto this page.
void |
adoptXMLForm( aXML)
Imports the contents of an XML document onto this page.
void |
adoptXMLForm( aXML)
Imports the contents of an XML document onto this page.
void |
adoptXMLForm(java.lang.String aXML)
Imports the contents of an XML document onto this page.
boolean |
attachJavaObject(PRObjectWrapper aJavaObject)
Attaches a Java object to this page.
void |
Removes all properties from this page.
void |
Removes all messages from this page.
void |
clearMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
Removes all messages from the referenced property.
void |
clearValue(java.lang.String aReference)
Eliminate the value of the referenced property.
boolean |
containsKey(java.lang.Object aName)
Query if this page contains a property with this name.
boolean |
containsValue(java.lang.Object aValue)
Query if this page contains this property.
ClipboardPage |
Copies this page and all of its properties to a new page.
ClipboardPage |
copy(boolean aReadOnlyCopy,
boolean aAvoidChangeTracking)
Copies this page and all of its properties to a new page.
void |
copyParameterValues(ParameterPage aParmPage)
Copies all of the given activity parameter properties onto this page.
java.util.Set |
Returns the set of all properties contained in this page.
java.lang.Object |
get(java.lang.Object aReference)
Returns the referenced property.
PRObjectWrapper |
Returns the Java object currently attached to this page.
PRObjectWrapper |
getAttachedJavaObject(boolean aCreateIfMissing)
Returns the Java object currently attached to this page.
PRObjectWrapper |
Returns the Java object currently attached to this page.
| |
getBigDecimal(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of this property as a IBM BigDecimal value, or if the caller wants, an exception when the property is missing or empty.
| |
getBigDecimal(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the decimal value of the referenced property.
| |
getBigDecimal(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the decimal value of the referenced property.
boolean |
getBoolean(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of this property as a boolean value, or if the caller wants, an exception when the property is missing or empty.
boolean |
getBoolean(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the boolean value of the referenced property.
boolean |
getBoolean(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the boolean value of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
Get the name of the class of this page (if any).
java.util.Date |
getDate(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of this property as a date, or if the caller wants, an exception when the property is missing or empty.
java.util.Date |
getDate(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the date value of the referenced property.
java.util.Date |
getDate(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the date value of the referenced property.
PageDirectory |
Get the PageDirectory owner of this page.
double |
getDouble(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of this property as a double.
double |
getDouble(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the double value of the referenced property.
double |
getDouble(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the double value of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
getEntryHandle(java.lang.String aPropertyReference)
Returns a handle to the referenced property that can be used for
receiving client input.
ClipboardProperty |
getIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference)
As getProperty(), but does not create missing pages or properties.
ClipboardProperty |
getIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
As getProperty(), but does not create missing pages or properties.
int |
getInteger(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of the referenced property as a int, or if the caller wants, an exception when the property is missing or empty.
int |
getInteger(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the integer value of the referenced property.
int |
getInteger(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the integer value of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
getJSON(boolean aEncode)
Returns a JSON representation of this page which uses
property names as JSON identifiers.
java.lang.String |
getJSON(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aEncode)
Returns a JSON representation of this page which uses
property names as JSON identifiers.
ClipboardProperty |
getLightweightListProperty(java.lang.String aReference,
java.lang.String aDataTransformName)
Returns a Virtual ClipboardPage List representation of the referenced
int |
Get the count of all the messages on a page, including messages on its properties.
java.lang.String |
getMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
Get messages associated with a referenced property.
java.lang.String |
Get all messages associated with this page and the properties on this page.
java.util.Map |
Get all of the messages attached to this page and all embedded pages and properties.
java.util.Map |
getMessagesMap(boolean aSeparatePageMessages)
Get all of the messages attached to this page and all embedded pages and properties.
java.util.Map |
Get all of the messages attached to this page and all embedded pages and properties.
java.lang.String |
Gets all messages associated with this page itself excluding messages on
individual properties.
char |
getMode(java.lang.String aReference)
Get the mode of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
Get the name of this page.
java.lang.Object |
getObject(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the Object value of the referenced property of mode Java Object.
ClipboardPage |
getPage(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the page value of the referenced property.
ClipboardPage |
Identifies the page which contains this page.
ClipboardProperty |
Identifies the property which contains this page.
ClipboardProperty |
getProperty(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the referenced property.
ClipboardProperty |
getProperty(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
Returns an absolute reference to this page if it is embedded.
java.lang.String |
getString(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega,
java.lang.String aReference)
Return value of the referenced property as a String.
java.lang.String |
getString(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the string value of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
getString(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the string value of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
getStringIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns the string value of the referenced property, or
if the property is not present on the page. |
java.lang.String |
getStringIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference,
boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
Returns the string value of the referenced property, or
if the property is not present on the page. |
java.lang.String |
If this page is an element in a Page Group, returns the name
of the element (the property containing this page).
ClipboardPage |
Gets the top-level page for this object.
char |
getType(java.lang.String aReference)
Get the type of the referenced property.
java.lang.String |
Returns an XML representation of this page which uses
property names as XML identifiers.
java.lang.String |
getXML(byte aXMLOption)
Returns an XML representation of this page.
java.lang.String |
getXML(byte aXMLOption,
boolean aForDisplay)
Returns an XML representation of this page.
java.lang.String |
getXML(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns an XML representation of this page which uses
property names as XML identifiers.
boolean |
Indicates whether this page or any embedded pages or
properties have messages.
boolean |
hasMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
Indicates whether this referenced property or any of its embedded pages or
properties have messages.
boolean |
Indicates whether this page is embedded as a property within another page.
boolean |
Indicates whether any properties are contained within this page.
boolean |
isEmpty(java.lang.String aReference)
Indicates whether the referenced property has a value.
boolean |
Does this page's class extend the Embed-Java- class? If so, this page
is a java page that may have a java object wrapper attached to it.
boolean |
Returns the type of a page.
boolean |
Indicates whether this page is read-only.
boolean |
Reports the results of validation of this page.
java.util.Set |
Returns the set of all the property names on this page.
void |
move(ClipboardProperty aSourceProperty)
Moves a property into this page.
void |
move(java.lang.String aReference,
ClipboardProperty aSourceProperty)
Moves a property into this page.
void |
movePage(java.lang.String aReference,
ClipboardPage aSourcePage)
Move a page value into a property on this page.
boolean |
Returns true only if this page has not been validated.
void |
put(ClipboardProperty aProperty)
Puts a property onto the clipboard.
java.lang.Object |
put(java.lang.Object aReference,
java.lang.Object aProperty)
Puts a property onto the clipboard.
void |
putAll(java.util.Map aSource)
Copies the properties from a map onto this page.
void |
putAll(java.util.Map aSource,
byte aPutAllOption)
Copies the properties from another page onto this page.
void |
putObject(java.lang.String aReference,
java.lang.Object aValue)
A shortcut method, essentially the same as calling
thisPage.getProperty(aReference).setValue(aValue) . |
void |
putPage(java.lang.String aReference,
ClipboardPage aValue)
A shortcut method, essentially the same as calling
thisPage.getProperty(aReference).setValue(aValue) . |
void |
putString(java.lang.String aReference,
java.lang.String aValue)
A shortcut method, essentially the same as calling
thisPage.getProperty(aReference).setValue(aValue) . |
void |
putString(java.lang.String aName,
java.lang.String aValue,
boolean aAtomicName)
Establishes an association between the specified value and the specified name
(optional operation).
java.lang.Object |
remove(java.lang.Object aReference)
Remove a property from the clipboard.
boolean |
Removes this top-level named page from the clipboard.
boolean |
rename(java.lang.String aNewPageName)
Change the name of this page.
boolean |
replace(ClipboardPage aSource)
Clear this page and place the entire contents of this page,
if any, with a copy of the contents of another page.
boolean |
replace(ClipboardPage aSource,
boolean aAvoidChangeTracking)
Clear this page and place the entire contents of this page,
if any, with a copy of the contents of another page.
boolean |
retainAll(java.util.Collection aRetainCollection)
This method causes all properties but those listed in
aRetainCollection to be removed from this page.
int |
Returns the number of properties embedded in this page.
int |
size(java.lang.String aReference)
Returns size of the referenced property.
java.util.Collection |
Returns a collection of all of the properties on this page.
void |
writeXML( aTarget)
Write a clipboard page to an OutputStream
void |
writeXML( aTarget,
byte aXMLOption)
Write a clipboard page to an OutputStream, using a specific XML representation of this page.
static final java.lang.String VERSION
static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
static final byte PUTALL_KEEPOLD
passed to
putAll(Map, byte)
.static final byte PUTALL_KEEPNEW
passed to
putAll(Map, byte)
.static final byte PUTALL_MODEL
passed to
putAll(Map, byte)
.static final byte XML_STANDARD
passed to
.static final byte XML_CPAXDTD
passed to
.static final byte XML_JSON
passed to
. Creates output in JSON rather than XML.static final java.lang.String DP_PARAMETER_NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE
java.lang.String getEntryHandle(java.lang.String aPropertyReference)
if there is a Reference Property somewhere within the structure covered by aPropertyReference.aPropertyReference
- property reference to get the entry handle for. The reference is evaluated relative to this getMessagesMap()
java.util.Map getMessagesMap(boolean aSeparatePageMessages)
- If true, separates out each page message into its own map getMessagesMapByEntryHandle()
boolean addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr)
- The message to be added to the page.true
- aMsgDescr cannot be nullReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot
be modified.boolean addMessages(ClipboardPage aSourcePage)
- page to copy messages fromtrue
- aSourcePage cannot be nullReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot
be modified.boolean addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr, java.lang.String aReference)
- The message to be added to the property.aReference
- Reference to a property that is defined on this page.true
if the message is added successfullyReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.InvalidParameterException
- aMsgDescr cannot be nullInvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceboolean addMessage(java.lang.String aMsgDescr, java.lang.String aFieldName, java.lang.String aClassName)
- The message to be added to the page.aFieldName
- The name of the 'category property' that this message is under in fieldvalueaClassName
- (optional) The name of the class in FieldValue for the message (defaults to @baseclass)true
- aMsgDescr cannot be nullReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot
be modified.boolean addMessageWithKey(java.lang.String aMsgDescr, java.lang.String aPzInsKey)
- The message to be added to the page.aPzInsKey
- (optional) The pzInsKey of the rule where the message originated.true
- aMsgDescr cannot be nullReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot
be modified.boolean addMessageWithKey(java.lang.String aMsgDescr, java.lang.String aFieldName, java.lang.String aClassName, java.lang.String aPzInsKey)
- The message to be added to the page.aFieldName
- The name of the 'category property' that this message is under in fieldvalueaClassName
- (optional) The name of the class in FieldValue for the message (defaults to @baseclass)aPzInsKey
- (optional) The pzInsKey of the rule where the message originated.true
- aMsgDescr cannot be nullReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot
be getJSON(boolean aEncode)
- true if values should be XSS encodedjava.lang.String getJSON(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aEncode)
- property reference relative to this page defining
the single property (and its value) that should be output. If it
does not exist, it will not be created and a JSON stream containing
an empty page will be returned.aEncode
- true if values should be XSS encodedvoid adoptJSONObject(java.lang.String aJSON) throws InvalidStreamError
- the input JSON ObjectInvalidParameterException
- aJSON cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input JSON is not validvoid adoptJSONArray(java.lang.String aJSON, java.lang.String aReference) throws InvalidStreamError
- the input JSON ObjectaReference
- If the content of aJSON is an array (rather than an
object), then the array will be placed into the property aReference (which
must be a atomic name) - will default to "JSONArrayList" if aReference is null.
If the content of aJSON is an object, then aReference will be ignored and
this method will behave the same as adoptJSONObject.InvalidParameterException
- aJSON cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input JSON is not validvoid adoptXMLForm(java.lang.String aXML) throws InvalidStreamError
- the input XML documentInvalidParameterException
- aXML cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input XML is not validvoid adoptXMLForm(byte[] aXML) throws InvalidStreamError
- a byte array containing the XML documentInvalidParameterException
- aXML cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input XML is not validvoid adoptXMLForm( aXML) throws InvalidStreamError
- an InputStream containing the XML documentInvalidParameterException
- aXML cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input XML is not validvoid adoptXMLForm( aXML) throws InvalidStreamError
- a Reader containing the XML documentInvalidParameterException
- aXML cannot be nullInvalidStreamError
- the input XML is not validjava.lang.String getReference()
void clear()
in interface java.util.Map
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.void clearValue(java.lang.String aReference)
- a property referenceReadOnlyException
- if this property is embedded on a
Read Only page and cannot be modifiedClipboardPage copy()
ClipboardPage copy(boolean aReadOnlyCopy, boolean aAvoidChangeTracking)
- This setting is reserved for future use. Set the value to false
- true
to avoid change tracking
on the copy. This is an advanced option; set to false
if you are not familiar with this parameters implications.void clearMessages()
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.void clearMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
- reference to a propertyReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object aName)
in interface java.util.Map
- a String object containing a property name (no complex references or qualifiers are allowed).true
if the reference resolves to a property
on this page only, false
- aReference
is not an instance of String.boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object aValue)
in interface java.util.Map
- a ClipboardProperty objecttrue
if the given property is embedded on this page,
- aValue
is not an instance of ClipboardProperty.void copyParameterValues(ParameterPage aParmPage)
- The page containing the parameters to be copied.ReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be entrySet()
Use the iterator() method of the returned object to perform an operation on each property in turn. Note that this iterator reflects the contents of this page at the time of its creation. Further changes to this page will not be reflected in this iterator.
in interface java.util.Map
java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object aReference)
in interface java.util.Map
- String object which contains a reference to a
- aReference
is not an instance of String.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- the property does not exist and could not be created on a read-only pageClipboardPage getPage(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to a property.WrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a pageInvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceClipboardProperty getProperty(java.lang.String aReference)
- String object which contains a reference to a property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct
- the property does not exist and could not be created on a
read-only pageClipboardProperty getLightweightListProperty(java.lang.String aReference, java.lang.String aDataTransformName)
- String object which contains a reference to a property.aDataTransformName
- name of the data transform to populate pyMapping. The Data
transform should be defined in Code-Pega-List and should
specify the properties the page list will hold virtual in
- this property is not a pagelistInvalidParameterException
- the pagelist property is non emptyClipboardProperty getProperty(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property is
empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of the default empty
value). If the property is missing or empty, and
is set to true
, a
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is
- String object which contains a reference to a property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct
- the property does not exist and could not be created on a
read-only pagejava.lang.Object getObject(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to a property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a Java Objectjava.lang.String getString(java.lang.String aReference)
in interface StringMap
- a reference to a property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a stringjava.lang.String getString(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to a property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value.
This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getString(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a stringjava.lang.String getStringIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
if the property is not present on the page.aReference
- a reference to a property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value.
This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getStringIfPresent(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a stringClipboardProperty getIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to a propertyaAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property.
This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getIfPresent(String)
if no such property existsInvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceint getInteger(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to an integer property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value.
This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getInteger(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an integerboolean getBoolean(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to an boolean property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value.
This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getBoolean(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an booleanjava.lang.String getString(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property
is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of the default empty value).
If the property is missing or empty, and isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
, a MissingPropertyException
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to an String propertyInvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a String.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
.java.lang.String getStringIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference)
if the property is not present on the page.aReference
- a reference to a property.null
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not a stringjava.lang.String getSubscript()
- this page is not an element in a Page Groupjava.lang.String getClassName()
ClipboardProperty getIfPresent(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to a propertynull
if no such property existsInvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referencejava.lang.String getMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
- Reference to a property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referencejava.lang.String getMessagesAll()
java.lang.String getMessagesObject()
int getMessageCountAll()
java.lang.String getName()
ClipboardPage getParentPage()
.ClipboardProperty getParentProperty()
.PageDirectory getDirectory()
this object is not owned by any PageDirectory.void writeXML( aTarget) throws
- The outputstream to write the XML
void writeXML( aTarget, byte aXMLOption) throws
- aXMLOption
- Used to determine XML formatting method. Only the following
options are valid:
: Use property names as XML identifiers.
Identical to calling getXML()
: Use a Pegasystems DTD tailored
for CPAX requirements.
- when there is a problem writing to the given streamjava.lang.String getXML()
java.lang.String getXML(java.lang.String aReference)
This method is useful when only a single property of a page is relevant and one wishes to leave out all other properties (eg, "pxResults" on a Code-Pega-List page).
- property reference relative to this page defining
the single property (and its value) that should be output. If it
does not exist, it will not be created and an XML stream containing
an empty page will be getXML(byte aXMLOption)
- Used to determine XML formatting method. Only the following
options are valid:
: Use property names as XML identifiers.
Identical to calling getXML()
: Use a Pegasystems DTD tailored
for CPAX requirements.
java.lang.String getXML(byte aXMLOption, boolean aForDisplay)
- Used to determine XML formatting method. Only the following
options are valid:
: Use property names as XML identifiers.
Identical to calling getXML()
: Use a Pegasystems DTD tailored
for CPAX requirements.
- If true
, extracts all Java Property values
for display. Do NOT use this option for transporting data between
systems. The generated XML is for debugging and display purposes ONLY.boolean hasMessages()
if any page or property embedded
in this page has a message, false
otherwiseboolean hasMessages(java.lang.String aReference)
- reference to a propertytrue
if any page or property embedded
in the referenced property has a message, false
otherwiseboolean isEmbedded()
if the page is embedded, false
otherwiseboolean isEmpty()
in interface java.util.Map
if there are any properties in this page, false
otherwiseboolean isEmpty(java.lang.String aReference)
- a property referencetrue
if the reference property has a value, false
otherwiseboolean isReadOnly()
if the page is read-only, false
otherwiseboolean isValid()
can be employed to determine
if validation is required. The Page-Validate Activity method or (from a
java step) validate
can be used to validate the contents of the page.
isValid - returns true only if no properties on this page, or any included
page, have the Error or External attribute set.
isValid returns fal42se only if no properties on this page, or any included
page, have the Error or External attribute set.true
if the page is valid, false
otherwiseboolean needsValidation()
if the page has not been validated, false
otherwisejava.util.Set keySet()
Use the iterator() method of the returned object to perform an operation on each property in turn. Note that this iterator reflects the contents of this page at the time of its creation. Further changes to this page will not be reflected in this iterator.
in interface java.util.Map
java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object aReference, java.lang.Object aProperty)
overrides the property name in aProperty
If aProperty is embedded, a copy of it will be used. Use
move(String, ClipboardProperty)
to avoid copying the source property.put
in interface java.util.Map
- A String that contains the reference to the new property.aProperty
- A ClipboardProperty to be put onto this page.null
- aReference
is not an instance of String or
is not an instance of ClipboardProperty.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a Page or String Group and cannot accept this propertyvoid put(ClipboardProperty aProperty)
to avoid copying the source property.aProperty
- A ClipboardProperty to be put onto this page.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a Page or String Group and cannot accept this propertyvoid putString(java.lang.String aReference, java.lang.String aValue)
. This shortcut
is more efficient and should be used whenever possible.putString
in interface StringMap
- A reference to the new property.aValue
- Used as the value of the new property. Note that properties with blank ("") values may be stripped from the page during serialization.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a Page Group and cannot accept String properties
Note: setting the value of a property clears any messages associated with that property as well!void putString(java.lang.String aName, java.lang.String aValue, boolean aAtomicName)
- name with which the specified value is to be associatedaValue
- value to be associated with the specified nameaAtomicName
- is the name property an atomic propertyjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if some aspect of this name or value
prevents it from being stored in this instancejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if either the name or the value is
and is not allowed to be by the implementationjava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
- if putString
is not
supported by this implementationvoid putObject(java.lang.String aReference, java.lang.Object aValue)
. This
shortcut is more efficient and should be used whenever possible.aReference
- A reference to the new property.aValue
- Used as the value of the new property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a String or Page Group and cannot accept Java Object properties
Note: setting the value of a property clears any messages associated with that property as well!void putPage(java.lang.String aReference, ClipboardPage aValue)
. This
shortcut is more efficient and should be used whenever possible.
Use movePage(java.lang.String,
to avoid copying the source page.aReference
- A reference to the new property.aValue
- Used as the value of the new property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a String Group and cannot accept Page propertiesvoid putAll(java.util.Map aSource)
in interface java.util.Map
- map to be merged into this one. Map keys must
be strings containing valid references. Map values must be
instances of ClipboardProperty, ClipboardPage, or String.InvalidReferenceException
- one of the input map's references is not syntactically correctReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- an input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a String Group and cannot accept Page propertiesvoid putAll(java.util.Map aSource, byte aPutAllOption)
- map to be merged into this one. Map keys must
be strings containing valid references. Map values must be
instances of ClipboardProperty, ClipboardPage, or String.aPutAllOption
- Used to determine what happens when
like-named properties are present on both the source and
target pages. Only the following options are valid:
: Properties are copied from the
source page only when there is no like-named property on the target
: All properties on the source
page are copied to the target page.
except that the first item of a PageList provides the source for
each corresponding item of that PageList in the target.
- invalid option passed to aPutAllOption
- one of the input map's references is not syntactically correctReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- an input property would replace an unmodifiable propertyWrongModeException
- target page is a String Group and cannot accept Page propertiesjava.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object aReference)
in interface java.util.Map
- A String containing the reference to the
property to be removed.null
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceReadOnlyException
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.UnmodifiablePropertyException
- target property is unmodifiableboolean removeFromClipboard()
if the page is removed,
otherwiseboolean rename(java.lang.String aNewPageName)
- New page name.true
if the page name was changed,
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.boolean replace(ClipboardPage aSource)
- Source page to copy from.true
if the page contents were replaced,
otherwiseboolean replace(ClipboardPage aSource, boolean aAvoidChangeTracking)
- Source page to copy from.aAvoidChangeTracking
- if true
, the changes to this
page will not be noted by change tracking, thus no declarative
activities will be triggered by this method. This option should only
be used in special situations. Use replace(ClipboardPage)
if the page contents were replaced,
otherwiseboolean retainAll(java.util.Collection aRetainCollection)
aRetainCollection can contain two kinds of objects: string references
or ClipboardProperty
objects. The collection must be homogenous.
called on each of them. The
input collection used for these recursive calls comes from the
embedded page passed through the original input collection.
Pages in a list are not recursively pruned.
The end result of this is that each embedded page's properties
will be pruned such that they match the input page's embedded pages.
You can easily generate a collection of properties from a page
using values()
- a Collection of String objects that
contain property references ("name", ".name", ".myList(1)", ".myList()", etc.) or
a Collection of ClipboardProperty objects which will be used
to recursively trim each embedded pagetrue
if the page was changed, false size()
in interface java.util.Map
int size(java.lang.String aReference)
- java.util.Collection values()
Use the iterator() method of the returned object to perform an operation on each property in turn. Note that this iterator reflects the contents of this page at the time of its creation. Further changes to this page will not be reflected in this iterator.
in interface java.util.Map
ClipboardPage getTopLevelPage()
boolean attachJavaObject(PRObjectWrapper aJavaObject)
To remove a Java object once it has been attached, use clear()
- the object to attach to this page. Must not be null.true
if the object is attached,
if it is not, probably because it already has an object
- This page is read-only and cannot be modified.PRObjectWrapper getAttachedJavaObject()
PRObjectWrapper getAttachedJavaObject(boolean aCreateIfMissing)
- If true
, if no object is
currently attached and this page's class has a Java Object Wrapper class
defined (currently possible only for class extending from Embed-Java-), a new instance is constructed, attached, and returned by this method.
Otherwise, if no object is attached, the method returns null
PRObjectWrapper getAttachedJavaObjectIfPresent()
int getInteger(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to an integer property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an integerint getInteger(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property
is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of returning the default empty value).
If the property is missing or empty, and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
, a MissingPropertyException
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to an integer propertyInvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a double.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
.double getDouble(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to an double property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an doubledouble getDouble(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property
is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of the default empty value).
If the property is missing or empty, and isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
, a MissingPropertyException
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to an double propertyInvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a double.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
.java.util.Date getDate(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to an date property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an datejava.util.Date getDate(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property
is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of returning the default empty value).
If the property is missing or empty, and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
, a MissingPropertyException
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to a date property.InvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a Date.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
.boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to an boolean property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an booleanboolean getBoolean(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of returning the default empty value).
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to a boolean property.InvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a boolean.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true getBigDecimal(java.lang.String aReference)
- a reference to an decimal property.InvalidReferenceException
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an getBigDecimal(com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI aPega, java.lang.String aReference)
Use this method if the caller may want to know whether this property
is empty or not present on the clipboard (instead of returning the default empty value).
If the property is missing or empty, and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
, a MissingPropertyException
is thrown.
- The current PegaAPI, used to determine if backward chaining is enabled.aReference
- a reference to a decimal propertyInvalidValueException
- if this property is not empty and
it cannot be converted to a BigDecimal.MissingPropertyException
- if this property is empty or missing,
and PegaAPI.isBackwardChaining()
is set to true
.char getMode(java.lang.String aReference)
- reference to a propertyImmutablePropertyInfo.MODE_UNRESOLVED
.char getType(java.lang.String aReference)
- reference to a propertyImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN
.void move(java.lang.String aReference, ClipboardProperty aSourceProperty)
put(Object, Object)
if the source property is destined to be
discarded (e.g., coming from a temporary list).aReference
- reference to the new location for the propertyaSourceProperty
- the property to be moved. This property is
guaranteed to be removed from its parent page or list, but is not
guaranteed to be the actual object embedded in this page. Use
to get the new property.void move(ClipboardProperty aSourceProperty)
if the source property is destined to be
discarded (e.g., coming from a temporary list).aSourceProperty
- the property to be moved. This property is
guaranteed to be removed from its parent page or list, but is not
guaranteed to be the actual object embedded in this page. Use
to get the new property.void movePage(java.lang.String aReference, ClipboardPage aSourcePage)
if the source page is destined to be
discarded (e.g., coming from a temporary list).aReference
- reference to the new location for the pageaSourcePage
- the page to be moved. This page is
guaranteed to be removed from its parent property, but is not
guaranteed to be the actual object embedded in this page. Use
to get the new page.boolean isJavaPage()
boolean isLoadOnly()
double getDouble(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to an double property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value. This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getDouble(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an doublejava.util.Date getDate(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to an date property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value. This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getDate(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an getBigDecimal(java.lang.String aReference, boolean aAvoidAutoChain)
- a reference to an decimal property.aAvoidAutoChain
- avoid any automatic backward chaining while retrieving the property value. This parameter should almost always be set to false (use getBigDecimal(String)
- aReference
is not a syntactically correct referenceWrongModeException
- The value of aReference
is not an decimalCopyright © 2015 Pegasystems Inc. All Rights Reserved.