
Reports various statistics about a PegaRULES Thread.

See: Description

Package Description

Reports various statistics about a PegaRULES Thread. Statistics are returned on a clipboard page. The properties on the clipboard page are as follow:

Property Description
pxActivityCountTotal The number of activities that completed (regardless of status).
pxCommitElapsedTotal The time spent performing commits.
pxInteractionsTotal The total number of interactions.
pxRuleIOElapsedTotal The time it takes to resolve rules.
pxOtherBrowseElapsedTotal The time spend listing instances of classes not descended from Rule-.
pxOtherCountTotal The number of lists. opens, saves, and deletes performed (for both rules and non-rules). Does not include calls to RDB execute.
pxOtherIOElapsedTotal The time spent listing, opening, saving, and deleting instances (rules and non-rules).Does not include calls to RDB execute. This also does not include time spend doing database operations during a commit.
pxRuleBrowseElapsedTotal The time spent listing instances of classes descended from Rule-.
pxRuleCPUTotal The CPU time it takes to resolve rules.
pxRuleCount The number of rules that the database attempted to open using rule resolution.

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