You are here: Reference > Rule types > Skins > Skin form — Controls — Smart tip and Smart info — Body

  Skin form — Components tab — Controls — Smart tip and Smart info

  1. Header 
  2. Body 
  3. Outline 

Styles set here apply to the body area of the smart tip and smart info.


Applies to text that displays in the body area of the smart tip and smart info.

Use mixin

Select to use a mixin to define the appearance of this element. The Mixin field displays the name and a preview of the currently selected mixin. Click to select a different mixin from the list.

  • Mixin overrides — Click Add mixin override to override a style set by the mixin:
    • Font — Select the font family. The font family defaults to (use overall), which is the font you specified in the Overall Font field at the top of the Mixins tab.
    • Font Size — Select the font size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%).
    • Color — Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) or click the box next to the field to Choose a Color.
    • Font Weight — Select a font weight from the list.
    • Text Decoration — Select a text decoration option from the list, if desired. For example, Underline. The blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
    • Transform Text — Select a text transformation option from the list, if desired. For example, Lowercase. The blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click delete to remove an additional style.
Specify styles

Select to define a custom style for text in the body area of the smart tip and smart info.

  • Font — Select the font family. The font family defaults to (use overall), which is the font you specified in the Overall Font field at the top of the Mixins tab.
  • Font Size — Select the font size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%).
  • Color — Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) or click the box next to the field to Choose a Color.
  • Font Weight — Select a font weight from the list.
  • Text Decoration — Select a text decoration option from the list, if desired. For example, Underline. The blank selection is the default, for backward compatibility, and indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
  • Transform Text — Select a text transformation option from the list, if desired. For example, Lowercase. The blank selection is the default, for backward compatibility, and indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click delete to remove an additional style.


Applies to the border surrounding the body of the smart tip and smart info. This border displays inside the outline border, if an outline border is specified.

Use mixin

Select to use a mixin to define the appearance of this element. The Mixin field displays the name and a preview of the currently selected mixin. Click to select a different mixin from the list.

If desired, you can specify the Top, Left, Right, or Bottom border as none, solid, dashed, or dotted , rather than inheriting the style from the selected mixin.

Specify styles

Select to define a custom border:

  • Apply to all sides — select this checkbox to specify the same border style to the top, left, right, and bottom borders. Choose from none, solid, dashed, or dotted.
  • If you clear the Apply to all sides checkbox, select a border style for the Top, Left, Right, and Bottom borders. For each of these borders, you can select none, solid, dashed, or dotted. Specify the pixel width and color of the border, if applicable.


Specifies padding in the body area of the smart tip and smart info.


Specify the width of the padding in pixels. Clear the Apply same padding on all sides checkbox if you want to specify a different amount of padding, in pixels, for Top, Left, Right, and Bottom.


Applies to the background of the body of the smart tip and smart info.

Use mixin

Select to use a mixin to define the appearance of this element. The Mixin field displays the name and a preview of the currently selected mixin. Click to select a different mixin from the list.

  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click delete to remove an additional style.
Specify styles

Select this check box to define a custom background: 

Select the background Type:

  • none — Indicates no background color, similar to setting a transparent background.
  • solid — Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) or click the box next to the Color field to Choose a Color.
  • gradient — Select the Direction in which you want to blend the background colors, horizontal or vertical. Specify the Start and Stop colors of the gradient. Specify a Backup color, in the event that the browser cannot render the gradient.
  • image — Specify the following:
    • Background color — to use the background color specified in a mixin; choose obtained from mixin and then click to select the mixin. Alternatively, you can select custom color and enter the CSS hexadecimal value or click the box next to the field to Choose a Color.
    • Location — Enter the location of the file, including the relative path. For example, images/AlphaCorpLogo.png.
      To search for an image, click () to open the Image Catalog tool. Enter any portion of a file name (relative path, file name, or extension) in the Search box, and click Find. If you can’t find the image, make sure it is in the webwb directory.
    • Tile — Specify tile settings for the image. Select None if you want to use a single image; Horizontal if you want a row of images in the background; Vertical, if you want a column of images in the background, or Both, if you want rows and columns containing the image in the background.
    • Position — Specify the placement of the starting tiled image, for example, top left.
  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the background for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to background styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click delete to remove an additional style.
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