You are here: Mobile > Custom mobile application > Push notifications > Uploading a push notifications certificate

Uploading a push notifications certificate

Before doing the steps below, you must already have generated a P12 file containing a single private key and a single public APNS certificate.

  1. Edit a certificate set:
  2. From the Mobile Provisioning file list, click a provisioning profile that supports push notifications. Otherwise, the Push Notification Certificate list is not visible.
  3. Click New located next to the Push Notification Certificate list.
  4. Click Browse and select from a local directory the P12 file containing a single private key and an APNS certificate.
  5. In the Certificate name field, enter the name for the push notifications certificate. The name cannot include underscore ('_'), dash ('-') or period ('.') characters.
  6. In the Encryption password field, enter the encryption password for the push notifications certificate.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Submit.

Note: Once you have uploaded a push notifications certificate for an existing certificate set, you can select this modified certificate set for your iOS mobile app - see Selecting an iOS certificate set.

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