You are here: Case management > Defining a life cycle for a case type > Adding a stage to a case type > Adding a local action

Adding a local action to a stage

Add a local action to a stage to supplement the tasks that users can accomplish as they work on a case.

  1. On the Life cycle tab of Case Designer, click a stage name.

  2. Click User actions.

  3. Click + Add local action and select the name of a flow action in the first field that is displayed.

    Tip: Enter a name in the field and click the Open icon to create a new flow action.

  4. Optional: Press the Down Arrow key in the Allowed when field and select the name of a when condition.

  5. Click Save.

At run time, the when condition that is associated with the flow action is evaluated. If it returns a true value, the flow is displayed as an available action in the header of the case.