You are here: What's new in Pega 7.2.2

What's new in Pega 7.2.2

User interface

  • Style data grids for reports by using either the List report format or the Summarized report format in the skin of your application, depending on the report type. With this enhancement, you can display report data differently, and perhaps more effectively, than other grids in your portal.
  • Add heading levels to repeating grid layouts. Repeating grid layouts also support editing, sorting, and filtering. Additional actions are supported when optimized for mobile.
  • Use design templates to apply predefined layouts to your section. You can mark a section as a design template and build sections directly based on design templates.
  • Create and subscribe to notification channels using the Notification channels landing page.
  • Subscribe to the Operator Presence notification channel to receive real-time status updates on operators availability.
  • Include videos in sections to enhance interactive experience.
  • Configure Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) on a flow action on a connector, modal dialog, or overlay to automate and integrate processes and technologies on the desktop.
Case management
Designer Studio
Project delivery
Decision management
  • Create a Monte Carlo data set.
  • Perform export and import operations on static data sets.
  • Create automated test cases for Strategy rules.
  • Perform the sentiment analysis on text samples that are written in Dutch, Italian, and Portuguese.
  • Note that the Free Text Model rule was renamed to the Text Analyzer rule.
  • Create branches in Data Flows and add an unlimited number of Filter, Convert, and Data Transform patterns that are specific to destination paths.
  • Perform complex transformations in Data Flow rules with the new Data Transform pattern.
  • Unpack and convert embedded pages in Data Flow rules.
  • Create and configure Data Flow rules on the new canvas.
  • You configure a custom mobile app or an SDK mobile app from the Mobile Apps form. It replaces the Mobile tab of the Application rule form.
  • You can now configure push notifications for SDK mobile apps which are built in an external integrated development environment (IDE) that also interact with the Pega 7 Platform.
  • Before sending push notifications from the Pega 7 Platform, you can also test the push notifications capability for your custom or SDK mobile app.
  • Data transforms are now supported in offline-enabled applications.
  • To help start offline-enabled mobile apps more quickly from the time when the server was started, you can now cache common Pega 7 Platform rules, including node scope data pages.
  • The processing of large data pages on the Pega 7 Platform server during the packaging of offline apps is now faster and much more memory-efficient.

Core Engine

  • Simplified support for external log management systems such as ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) makes it easier to implement an external log management system.
  • Filtering for Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) extracts has been enhanced to work like report filtering, making it easier to use.

  • RuleWatch Tracing of Service Rules has been enhanced to support cluster-wide tracing. Cluster-wide tracing makes it easier for you to troubleshoot services in clustered configurations where a load balancer is dynamically assigning service requests to nodes in the cluster.
  • The client page load statistic is now available for usage reporting through the Log-Usage class and in the System Management Application (SMA). In addition, a new alert, PEGA0069, is generated when the page load duration is greater than the threshold.
  • The Pega 7 Platform has been updated to use Elasticsearch 2.4.0.

  • The ability to retry database transactions that fail because of database or network outages has been enhanced to improve performance on high-availability systems.
  • When developing and debugging applications, you can test SELECT statements from the Query Runner landing page.

  • New tables that contain BLOB columns now use external storage instead of expanded storage for Postgres databases.

  • The Pega 7 Platform has been enhanced to convert text properties to CLOB fields when the length of the data exceeds the table definition's size. This enhancement applies to all Pega-supported relational databases. Multiple CLOB columns in a single table are supported for all databases except for IBM DB2 for z/OS, which supports only one CLOB column.

Data management
  • Add, update, or delete a large number of data records quickly for your data types by uploading .csv files.
  • Customize the data import process for data types by adding purposes for importing data from .csv files, adding fields, and defining the logic that controls the behavior of the import.
  • Create PegaUnit test cases for activities, data transforms, decision tables, decision trees, and strategies.
  • Use page and decision result assertions to compare expected results to the results returned by running a rule.
System management


  • Access control policies support update and delete actions on objects.
  • Access control policies now support discovery features that allow end users to view limited, customizable information about class instances that fail Read policies but satisfy Discover policies. A Discovery gadget can be included in the Report Viewer and in search results.
  • You can add conditional logic in the Access Control Policy Condition rule form that allows you to apply different access control policy conditions based on different situations.

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© October 25, 2016 Pegasystems Inc.