You are here: System management > System Settings landing page > System Settings – System Name tab

System Settings – System Name tab

Use this tab to change the System Name of your Pega Platform system. A Pega Platform 'system' in this context is all Pega Platform instances (nodes) that share a single database and the same system name.

When you use this page to change the system name, Pega Platform clones the current system name record, the node name of the other nodes in the system that use the current name, and all associated Data instances that reference this name and applies the new system name.

If your organization has multiple Pega Platform systems, it is a best practice to set a distinct system name for each of the systems. For example, you may want to distinguish between development, test, UAT and production systems. When you create, or update a rule or a data instance, the current system name is added to the History tab. When you import a .zip archive containing a rule or data instance, the system name is on the History tab (which may be the source system on which the .zip archive was created).

Using distinct system names can help identify the source systems when rules or data objects are moved from one system to another. To change the system name:

  1. Enter the new name in the New Name field. Enter a System Name that starts with a letter and contains only letters, digits, and the underscore character, no longer than 32 characters.

    By default, the system name is pega.

    The system names prpc and iwm are reserved; do not use except as advised by Global Customer support.

  2. Click Submit

    Pega Platform makes an exact copy of the current system name record, the node name of the other nodes in the system that use the current system name and all associated data instances, including requestor type data instances (Data-Admin-Requestor class), the Dynamic System Settings indexing/hostid, and applies the new system name. The new system name record is created with all the required data requestors even if the current record that is being renamed does not contain all the data requestors.Pega Platform also updates any listeners with the new Node IDs.

  3. Restart all nodes in the system.

    The table All Affected Nodes on the System Name page lists the nodes whose name will be changed by this action.

    If the Required Action column for a node is Update prconfig.xml and Restart, you must update the prconfig.xml file entry Identification/SystemName for that node to reference the new name before restarting the node. For example:

    <env name="Identification/SystemName" value="mycoProd" />

    Complete this step for each node.

When the system starts with the new name, it creates new Agent Schedule instances for each node. Review these new instances and, if necessary, update the access group on the Security tab to match the value in the older Agent Schedule instance.

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