You are here: Reference > Data classes > Authentication Profile data instances > Authentication Profile data instances - Completing the New or Save As form

Authentication Profile data instances – Completing the New or Save As form

  1. About
  2. New
  3. Basic
  4. NTLM
  5. OAuth 1.0a
  6. OAuth 2.0
  7. History

Create an Authentication Profile data instance by selecting Authentication Profile from the Security category.




Select the type of authentication profile that you want to create from the drop-down list.

Select Basic to pass basic HTTP authentication credentials, NTLM to pass NT LAN Manager credentials, OAuth 1.0a to use OAuth 1.0 authentication, and OAuth 2.0 to use OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Name Required. Enter a name for this data instance. The name is arbitrary and is used only to distinguish Authentication Profile data instances from one another. Begin the name with a letter, and use only alphanumeric characters.
Short description Required. Enter a short description of what the data instance does.

Click Create and open to create and update the new instance. The system opens the Basic, NTLM, OAuth 1.0a, or OAuth 2.0 tab according to your selection in the Type drop-down list.

Click Cancel to abandon your work and close the form.