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Viewing your profile

The Operator Profile presents a consolidated snapshot of information from your requestor session and Operator ID instance and allows you to configure availability and change password.

  1. In Designer Studio click on your initials in the top-right section of the page.
  2. Click Profile
  3. Optional: Click the ID, Organization, and other links to open the corresponding data instances.
  4. Optional: Set availability dates. For more information, see Setting availability.
  5. Optional:Change your password. For more information, see Changing password.




Name From the Operator ID data instance.
Position From the Operator ID data instance.
ID From the Operator ID data instance.
Phone From the Operator ID data instance.
Organization From the Operator ID data instance. Affects ruleset list. Click to open the Organization data instance.
Division From the Operator ID data instance. Click to open the Division data instance.
Unit From the Operator ID data instance. Click to open the Organization Unit data instance.
Work Group From the Operator ID data instance. Click to open the Work Group data instance.
Skills Skill levels recorded in your Operator ID instance, used for skills-based routing. See skill.
Access Group Current access group. Click to open the Access Group form.
Portal Layout Current portal rule. Click to open the Portal form.
Application Application rule in the access group; affects scope of the Application Explorer and other tools. Click to open the Application rule form.
Work Pool Current work pool, selected from those listed in the access group. Affects the scope of reports and which work items you can enter.
Client Name Workstation IP address
Login Time Date and time the current requestor session started.
Last Login Date and time of previous requestor session.
Calendar First key part of calendar in use. From the Operator ID instance.
Time Zone From the Operator ID instance.
Name System ID of this Pega Platform instance.
Node Node name on which this requestor session runs.
Directory Default top-level server directory for static content.
URI Current URI to access Pega Platform. May be obfuscated.
Locale Settings
Current Locale Your current locale. Originally from the Default Locale setting in the Operator ID instance, but can be modified by the locale settings tool (Designer Studio> User Interface > Application readiness > Localization > Locale settings) or by other means.
Roles Your current access roles, obtained from the access group.
RuleSets Your current ruleset list, assembled at sign-on from the requestor type, access group, organization, and division. Determines which rules you can execute through rule resolution.
Application RuleSets Your current application rulesets from the application rule identified in your access group, plus the Local Customization ruleset specified on the Settings tab in your access group. For application developers and business analysts, determines the scope of the Application Explorer, Profile Explorer, Guardrails tool, and other tools. A subset of the RuleSet list.