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List assertions

You can configure assertions for page lists to determine if the expected result is anywhere in the list of results that is returned by a rule. Even if the order of results changes (for example, if items were later added to the list after it was generated), the test will continue to work.

For example, you can verify if a product is present in a product list in a data page, regardless of where the product appears in the list results. You can also verify if there is at least one employee with the name John in the results of the Employee list data page.

You can also configure assertions for page lists to apply assertions to all the results that are returned by a rule so that you do not have to manually create assertions for each result in the list.

For example, you can verify that a department name is Sales and that a department ID starts with SL for each department in the list of results in the Sales department data page. You can also verify if a discount of 10% is applied to each customer in the list of results of the VIP customers data page.