You are here: Designer Studio > Developer tools > Application debugging using the Tracer tool > Tracer events to trace

Tracer events to trace

You can select the following events to trace in the Tracer Settings dialog box. When selected, the tracer output includes these events. Events are most relevant for debugging activities rather than flows or declarative rules.

Events to Trace


Access Deny rules

Displays a line at the start of each run of an Access Deny rule.

Activities Start Displays a line at the start of each activity.
Activities End

Displays a line at the completion of each activity.

Activity Steps Start

Displays a line at the start of every activity step and step iteration.

Activity Steps End

Displays a line at the completion of every activity step.

Data Transforms Start

Displays a line at the start of each data transform.

Data Transforms End

Displays a line at the completion of each data transform.

Data Transform Actions Start

Displays a line at the start of each data transform action.

Data Transform Actions End

Displays a line at the completion of each data transform action.


Displays a line for every Java exception. In most cases, processing continues after the exception.

When Rules Start

Displays a line at the start of every when condition evaluation, including preconditions and transitions.

When Rules End

Displays a line at the completion of every when condition evaluation, including preconditions and transitions. If selected, Tracer output shows the results of all when rule executions from all rulesets, regardless of your selected rulesets.