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Capturing application feedback in real time

You can use the Agile Workbench tool to capture real-time feedback about your application. By reporting bugs, creating stories, and requesting enhancements as you develop, you can improve the quality of your application without switching contexts.


  1. Click the Agile Workbench icon.

  2. Click Install the plugin to add the Pega Screen and Video Capture extension to your browser.

  3. In the header of the Agile Workbench tool, click the Create work item icon, and then select a type of work item.

  4. Optional: Add supporting information to the story.

    1. To assign a user to the work item, press the Down Arrow key in the Owner field, and then select a user name.

    2. To elaborate on the priority or severity of the work item, enter a date in the Due date field.

    3. To attach an artifact, such as a document or video, click + Add attachment > [attachment type].

  5. Click Save.

You can integrate the Agile Workbench tool with Pega Agile Studio to synchronize your product backlog with the stories and bugs that you create.