You are here: Reference > Rule types > Strategy rules > Configuring a batch case run

Configuring a batch case run

Run your strategy on a data set or a subset of records to inspect how customers respond to changes in the strategy, identify the most popular propositions, check if all customers get an offer (a proposition), and make sure that your strategy is executed as expected. Use this option to test the performance of your strategy and identify which components can be optimized.

  1. From the right-hand side of the strategy canvas, expand the Test run panel.
  2. In the Test run panel, click the Batch tab.
  3. Specify the source of the test run:
  4. Specify the number of records to use in the test run:
  5. Specify the strategy for external input.

    This option is available only when you added an Enable external input shape to your strategy. This option enables you to use results of a different strategy as additional source of data and allows you to accurately simulate the runtime behavior of the strategy.

  6. Select the test run mode. This choice determines various types of statistics you can view after executing the test run.
  7. Click Run. The progress of the test run is indicated in the progress bar. Below the progress bar, you can view the number of processed records, and the duration of the test run (in seconds).
  8. View the results: