You are here: Reference > Rule types > Strategy rules > Configuring a single case run

Configuring a single case run

Run a single case run to test your strategy against one particular record (customer). Single case runs allow you to test whether the strategy that you created is set up correctly and delivers expected results.

You can then optionally convert the test run into a PegaUnit test case for which you can provide assertions (test conditions) that allow you to compare the expected output of a test to actual test results.

  1. From the right-hand side of the strategy canvas, expand the Test run panel.
  2. In the Test run panel, click the Single case tab.
  3. Specify the source and the subject of the test run:
  4. Click Save & Run.
  5. View the results:
  6. Optional: To convert the test into a PegaUnit test case, click Convert to test.

  7. Configure the PegaUnit test case. See Configuring PegaUnit test cases for more information.