You are here: Reporting > Deprecated report types > List View rule form

List View rule form

  1. About
  2. New
  3. Display Fields
  4. Content
  5. Selectable
  6. Organize
  1. Format
  2. Pages & Classes
  3. Join
  4. HTML
  5. History
  6. More...

The list view rule is deprecated. Re-create the custom list view reports that you need as report definitions. The last version of Internet Explorer that list view rules support is Internet Explorer 11.

Completing the rule form

When using the List View rule form, complete the tabs in the following order:

  1. Use the New dialog box to record the rule key.
  2. Complete the Display Fields tab to record the layout of an HTML <TABLE> display of results.
  3. Complete the Content tab to define a search of the PegaRULES database and exploit the retrieval, filtering, and sorting power of database software.
  4. Use the Organize tab to apply further filtering, sorting, paging, and define buttons for the display.
  5. On the Format tab, define interactions and advanced capabilities.
  6. Update the Full Description on the History tab with a report title.
  7. Complete other optional tabs and fields.
  8. Save the rule.
  9. Optional. Review the generated HTML on the HTML tab.
  10. Test by selecting the Run option from the Actions menu.


List view rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-ListView class. They are part of the Reports category.