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List View form - Completing the Organize tab

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Complete the Display Fields tab before the Organize tab. All fields are optional. Complete this tab to:

Sorting and filtering that you define on this tab runs on the Pega Platform server, and occurs after sorting and filtering by the database software.


Select Enable Paging to Select to present the list view results in segments — known as pages — each containing a fixed number of rows. Clear to present all rows (up to the Maximum Value count on the Content tab.) Paging is enabled by default.

As a good practice, enable this capability for worklists and for other lists that users need to scan only until they find a row of interest. However, for maximum user productivity, design the selection criteria and sorting in each list view rule to eliminate the need for user paging, or to present as few pages as possible when paging is unavoidable. See PDN article How and when to enable paging of list view displays.

Paging causes the system to retrieve rows to only a segment at a time on request, improving response time and reducing the size of the clipboard.

At run time, users may see the busy indicator while waiting for a paging operation to complete.

Paging Properties

These fields appear and must be completed when you check the Enable Paging check box.



Page Size

Enter a positive integer not greater than 200 to control how many rows appear at once as a report page. Values between 10 and 30 are typical; the default is 50 rows.

Page Mode

The system divides the responses into numbered pages based on the Page Size value. Select to control the presentation of pages:

  • Numeric — Present the first group of N links as page 1, the second group as page 2, and so on, where N is the value of the Page Size field. Numbers 1, 2, ... appear as clickable links. (This is the default mode.)
  • Next/Previous — Use navigation buttons to access the next page, or a previous page
  • Drop-Down — Present all page numbers in a selection list control.

For example, if the Page Size value is 10 and the report contains 107 rows, the first page contains rows 1 to 10, and the last (11th) page contains the final 7 rows.

Page Navigation Alignment

Choose Left, Center, or Right as the location of the page control on the list view display. The default is Right.

Paging Bar Position

Select to indicate whether the page control is to appear at the top of the report display, at the bottom, or both.

Sort Mode

Rows initially appear in the natural sort order of the class. Users can re-sort the rows of the display by clicking a column header. Select:

  • All Pages to cause clicking a column header at run time to sort the entire result set of rows, rather than the current page. Sorting is performed by database software, and requires all data to be retrieved. Select this mode only when all properties in the report display correspond to exposed columns and use ordinary sorting rather than a custom sort routine (such as used — for example — by the Work-.pyID property for work item ID).
  • Viewed Pages to cause this action to sort only the current displayed page. Sorting occurs through the Pega Platform software, not the database server. In this case, users can sort on any report column — whether or not the column data is from a property that is exposed as a database column.

Sort by..., Filter by..., Categorize by..

These fields are not available for reports in which paging is enabled.



Sort by...

If you complete this array, the first row identifies the major sort. Later rows identify minor sorts within the major sort. Unlike sorting defined in the Get these fields array (on the Content tab), this sorting uses the OVERRIDE SORT FUNCTION (if any) defined in the property. For example, use this array to sort work items by work item ID, property Work-.pyID has an Override Sort Function.

  • Sort by Column - Optional. Identify a property for this sort. (You can choose a property not referenced elsewhere on this form.)
  • Sort Order - Select Ascending or Descending.
Filter by...

Optional. To display only a subset of the results retrieved by the criteria set on the Content tab, you can identify a when condition rule here, or a Boolean expression.

When Expression - The text you enter here becomes the content of a when directive (or a <pega:when >JSP tag) in the generated HTML. At run time, the system evaluates this condition for each potential row of the display, displaying only those for which the result is true.

If you enter two or more When Expression values, records are included only if all evaluate to true.

Rows excluded by such filtering are not displayed and not sent to Excel when a user clicks the Export to Excel button.

For best performance, select the desired instances through the criteria or a custom activity (so they never are added to the page) rather than through this filter mechanism.

Categorize by...

When you complete this optional array, the initial report presentation shows rows collapsed, labeled with a plus sign (+) and the values in this array. The user can click the + to view the rows.

Each collapsed row can contain a prefix, a property value, and a suffix, in the format:

PREFIX: value suffix

  • Property - Optional. Identify a property to provide a value for the collapsed row.
  • Caption - Optional. Enter literal text as a prefix for the value.
  • Label - Optional. Identify a property reference. The text value of this reference appears in italics as a suffix to the row.
  • HTML Property - Optional. Select a control to display this categorization.
  • Expand On Display - Check this check box to have the category expand by default when this tab first displays.

Organize Title

These fields determine the contents of the title area. Optionally, enter a caption for each button in the Caption column, or accept the default caption text.



Customize View button

Select to have the Customize View button appear in the title area. This permits report users to make a personal copy of the list view rule.

Enter a Caption to appear as a ToolTip. The default ToolTip is Customize View.

This option is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected, or when the Activity Name identified on the Content tab is not GetContent.

Customize Criteria link

Select to have the Customize Summary Criteria link appear in the title area. This permits report users to make a personal copy of the summary view rule, altering the criteria.

Enter a Caption to appear as a ToolTip. The default text is Customize summary criteria.

This option is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected.

Export to PDF link

Select to cause an Export to PDF link to appear in the title area. When clicked, the report output is converted to a Portable Document Format file and downloaded to the user workstation.

This conversion uses the Public API method getPDFUtils().generatePDF(byte[] htmlStream).

Excel button

Select to have the Export to Excel button appear in the title area. This allows users to export the report contents to Microsoft Excel, and (if configured), to edit data using Excel.

Enter a Caption to appear as the button caption. The default text is Export to Excel.


Select to allow users to edit rows of the report data using Microsoft Excel and upload the results as instances into the PegaRULES database. Select this only when:

  • The Applies To key part of this rule is a concrete class derived from the Data- base class, Rule- base class, or Work- base class.
  • All properties in the Get These Fields array (on the Content tab) are exposed as columns in the database.
  • Only limited validation is needed.

Edit in Excel

If you selected the Edit? check box, click this button to define the operations that are supported when editing in Excel. See List View rules — Completing the Edit in Excel window.

Add to Favorites Button

Select to have the Add to Favorites button appear in the title area. This allows users to add a shortcut to this report on their dashboard.

Enter a Caption to appear as the button caption. The default text is Add to Favorites.

This capability is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected.

Open button

Select to allow users to open this summary view rule, allowing them to update it (unless it is locked) or save a copy for personalization.

Enter a Caption to appear as the button caption. The default text is Open.

New button

Select to include a New button in the title area after drill down. This allows users of the report to add a new instance of the class supporting the drill-down report, using a temporary Rule-Template-Excel rule.

Select this only for data classes that do not affect the integrity of your application.

Enter a Caption to appear as a button caption The default text is New...

Model name for new window

Optional. Specify the name of a data transform to be applied when users click the New button. The data transform must have the same Applies To class as this list view. If this field is blank, the system uses the data transform named pyDefault in the list view's Applies To class.

Custom Buttons




Optional. To include additional text-labeled buttons, complete a row of this array. Enter brief text to appear as the label.

Onclick function

Enter the name of a script function (JavaScript or similar) to run when a report user clicks the button defined by this row.


Optional. Enter the help text to display when a report user points to the button defined by this row.

Fragment for custom scripts

Optional. Identify an HTML fragment rule that contains, or provides access to, the script functions referenced in the array above.


Optional. Select an HTML rule that provides the contents of an optional subheader that appears below the header on the report display.

Link to help topic

Optional. Enter a relative URL for a help topic that explains the operation of this list view rule. If not blank, a help button appears in the button group.

About List View rules