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Service SAP form — Completing the Request tab

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Configure the data mapping of the incoming SOAP request from the external SAP application to the Pega Platform on the Request tab:

Request Headers



Data Type Select either string or XML Literal.
Name Enter the external name of the request header.
Description Enter a text description.
Map To If the data type of a request header is XML Literal, set the Map To value to XML ParseRule. If the data type is string, select one of the other Map To options. See the definition of the Map To field in the Request Parameters section.
Map To Key For descriptions of the Map To Key options, see the definition of the Map To Key field in the Request Parameters section.

Request Parameters



Data Type

Select the data type of the parameter from the subset of XML schema data types supported by SOAP services. See How to complete data mapping for SOAP and dotNet services for details about data types.

Select the XML Page option to indicate that the SOAP operation style for the service rule is to be document-literal rather than RPC-encoded, the parameter is an XML object, and that the data transform specified on the XML Page tab provides the schema definition for the object.

Select the XML Literal data type if the parameter is an XML object and you want to map the actual (literal) XML from an XML stream rule or a single-value text property.


Enter the external name of the parameter when the WSDL file is generated. (This need not match a rule or object in the Pega Platform.)


Optional. Enter a text description of the parameter.

Map To

Specify the destination or the type of destination for the value in the Pega Platform. The choices in the list depend on value you selected in the Data Type field:

  • Clipboard — Map to the page name or property on the clipboard specified by the Map To Key field. If you selected XML Page as the Data Type, this is the only choice.
  • Requestor ID — Provides the value of the requestor ID to use when the session state is set to stateful but the client application does not support cookies.
  • Username — Provides the Operator ID of an operator ID/password pair to use to authenticate the request when authentication is enabled but the client application does not support HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Password — Provides the password of an operator ID/password pair to use to authenticate the request when authentication is enabled but the client application does not support HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • XML ParseRule — The incoming data is a stream of XML to be parsed using the actions defined in a parse XML rule.
  • Delimited ParseRule — The incoming data is in a delimited format to be processed by a delimited parse rule.
  • Structured Parserule — The incoming data has a fixed format with fixed-length fields, to be processed by a structured parse rule.
  • HTML PostData — The incoming data value is a stream of data from an HTML form that contains property key/value pairs

If more choices appear, they identify a custom function rule in a MapTo library. Review the function rule to determine what it does.

Map To Key

Specify the key to locating the property or the rule in the destination specified in the Map To field:

  • If the Map To value is Clipboard, enter the property name to which the data is to be mapped. If the Data Type is XML Page, create a row on the XML Page tab that associates a page name with a class and a data transform, then specify that page name in the Map To Key field.
  • If the Map To value is XML Parse Rule, enter the Namespace name (second key part) and the Element Name name — third key part — of the appropriate Parse XML rule. Separate the Namespace from the Element name with a space. That is, use the syntax "NamespaceName ElementName" and not "NamespaceName.ElementName." The system uses the page class of this service rule as the first key part of the parse rule.
  • If the Map To value is Delimited ParseRule, enter the Namespace and Record Type names (second and third key parts) of the appropriate delimited parse rule. The system uses the Applies To class of this service rule as the first key part of the parse rule.
  • If the Map To value is Structured ParseRule, enter the Record Type (third key part) of a structured parse rule. The system uses the Applies To class of this service rule as the first key to the parse rule.
  • If the Map To value is HTML PostData, leave this field blank. The name/value pairs in the string will be mapped to the parameter page of the service activity rather than the primary page.
  • If the Map To value is Requestor ID, Username, Password or HTML PostData, leave this field blank.
  • If the Map To value is a Rule-Utility-Function from a MapTo library, either select a property to hold the results of the function or leave this field blank, as appropriate for the function.

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