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Service SAP form - Completing the Response tab

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Configure the data mapping for the reply message on the Response tab. Use the Response Headers section to map data for the SOAP envelope header. Use the Response Parameters section to map data for the body of the SOAP message.

By default, the response message uses UTF-8 character set encoding. However, if the request message HTTP header contains a Content-Type value, the response message uses the same encoding as the request message. Alternatively, you can override this behavior and establish a single character encoding (for all SOAP responses from the system) in a servlet initialization parameter named CharacterEncoding for the PRSOAPServlet. The system uses the value of that parameter in the Content-Type of all responses.

Response Headers



Data Type Select either string or XML Literal.
Name Enter the external name of the response header.
Description Enter a text description.
Map From If the data type of a response header is XML Literal, set the Map To value to XML Stream. If the data type is string, select one of the other Map From options. See the definition of the Map From field in the Response Parameters section.
Map From Key For descriptions of the Map From Key options, see the description definition of the Map From Key field in the Response Parameters section.

Response Parameters



Data Type

Select the data type of the parameter from the subset of XML schema data types supported by SOAP services. See How to complete data mapping for SOAP and .NET services for details about data types.

Select the XML Page option to indicate:

  • The SOAP operation style for the service rule is to be document-literal rather than RPC-encoded.
  • The parameter is an XML object.
  • The data transform specified on the XML Page tab provides the schema definition for the object.

Select the XML Literal data type if the parameter is an XML object and you want to map the actual (literal) XML to an XML parse rule or a single-value text property.


Enter the external name of the response parameter.


Enter a text description.

Map From

Specify the source or the type of source of the value in PRPC. The choices that appear in the drop-down list are dependent on the data type specified in the Data Type field:

  • Clipboard — The source is a property or a page on the clipboard.
  • Constant — The source is a fixed value.
  • XML Stream — The source is a stream of XML data formatted by an XML Stream rule.
  • HTML Stream — The source is a stream of HTML data formatted by an HTML rule.
  • HTML Frame — The source is a stream of HTML data generated by the service activity.

If more choices appear, they each identify a custom function rule in a MapFrom library. Review the function rule to determine what it does.

Map From Key

Specify the key to locating the property or rule in the source specified in the Map From field:


Enter the reference to the property.

If the Data Type is XML Page, enter a top-level page name or a reference to an embedded page property; then create a row on theXML Page tab that associates that page name with the appropriate class and a data transform.

If this is a service that runs asynchronously, map the ID of the queued service request from the pxQueueItemID parameter. That is, enter Param.pxQueueItemID.

Constant Enter a literal text string. To include blank spaces in your text string, surround the string with double quotes.
XML Stream Enter either the Stream Name — second key part — of the appropriate XML Stream rule or a page name and stream name using the syntax PageName.StreamName. (The page must be on the clipboard when the service rule runs for rule resolution to find the rule.) If you specify the stream name only, the system uses the Page Class of this service rule (on the Service tab) as the first key part of the HTML rule.

To reference an XML Stream rule, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The Applies to class of the XML Stream rule must match the Primary Page class.
  2. The Stream Name key value must match the Map From Key value on the service rule form.
  3. The XML Type key of the XML Stream rule must be the constant value MapFrom. If the generated XML Stream rule does not contain this key, resave it and specify the new XML Type Key.
HTML Stream Enter either the Stream Name — second key part — of the appropriate HTML rule or a page name and stream name using the syntax PageName.StreamName. (The page must be on the clipboard when the service rule runs for rule resolution to find the rule.) If you specify the stream name only, the system uses the Page Class of this service rule (on the Service tab) as the first key part of the HTML rule.
HTML Frame Enter the name of the frame specified in the Show-HTML step of the service activity. Use this to return data from activities that were originally written for interactive browser clients and use the Show-HTML method.
Rule-Utility-Function from a MapFrom library Either select the property that holds the value to be processed by the function or leave this field blank, as appropriate for the function.

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