Extract rules

Create an Extract rule to define the data to extract from your application using the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) facility.

The following tabs are available on this form:

The Extract rule type is available when your ruleset includes the Pega-BIX ruleset. For more information on BIX, see PDN article About the Business Intelligence Exchange product.

Extracts are specified at the class level, not at the application level. For example, if you have three case types in your application and would like to extract data for each, you must define an extract rule for each of the three case types.

Note: If you are extracting from a class group, the extract will include all classes in the class group. If the class is not a class group, the extract will only include instances of that class.

You can specify the properties in each class of your application that you want to extract. You can extract all properties, including Value Lists, Value Groups, and multiple levels of embedded Pages, Page Lists, and Page Groups. The extract for a class can include any or all properties inherited by that class from other classes. You can also filter the data to be extracted, extracting only the data that matches the conditions you set.

The data contained in these properties can be extracted to an XML file, to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file, or to one or more tables in a relational database.

Note: A single extract process cannot concurrently extract from multiple databases or different database instances on the same machine. Each extract process can have only a single data source. A single extract process may execute multiple Extract rules within the same Pega Platform database instance. If it does so, the rules are executed serially. A single extract process can, however, extract to different target or destination databases or files. You can, however, run different extract processes, extracting from multiple Pega Platform databases, concurrently.

> Extraction frequency

BIX does not extract data in real-time as the Pega Platform database is updated. Because it runs as a stand-alone Java program outside of the Pega Platform or using a Pega Platform agent, it can be scheduled to run as frequently as desired.

> Schema

The database schema can be generated based on your specifications in the extract definition. You can specify the table and column names and define the data type and precision. BIX provides and option that automatically generates a Data Definition Language (DDL) file for the database schema it expect to write data to during an extraction. This file can be used by a Database Analyst (DBA) to create the appropriate tables in the destination database. Any updates to the extract definition that result in the addition of columns or tables need to be added manually by a DBA.

When generating to XML, the XML element names match the Pega Platform names and cannot be modified.

> Category

An Extract rule is an instance of the Rule-Admin-Extract class. Extract rules belong to the SysAdmin category.

> Extracting data from BIX

To extract data from within Pega Platform :

  1. Create a new Extract rule on the New tab.
  2. Specify the properties to be extracted on the Definition tab.
  3. Establish any filters for the data on the Filter Criteria tab.
  4. Specify the destination for the Extract rule on the File Specification tab.
  5. Run the Extract rule. For details on this step, see Running the command-line extract process, Running an Extract rule manually in Designer Studio, and Running an Extract rule using a Pega Platform agent .
  6. Run the Extract rule. For details on this step, see Running the command-line extract process, Running an Extract rule manually in Designer Studio, and Running an Extract rule using a Pega Platform agent .
  7. Run the Extract rule. For details on this step, see Running an Extract rule manually in Designer Studio, and Running an Extract rule using a Pega Platform agent .

The output data includes a time stamp and a batch identifier. These help when you want to compare information from different extracts or isolate information from a specific extract.