More about agents rules

Changes to agents rules

An agents rule provides a template that specifies the global settings for that agent on all nodes. To modify the configuration settings for an agent, open the generated agent schedule object for a specific node and modify the settings in the agent schedule.

After you save a modified agents rule, delete the agent schedule instances so that the Agent Manager generates a schedule with the updated rule information.

Agents are not authenticated requestors

Agents are not full authenticated requestors. As a result:

  • Agents do not have an associated organization, division, or unit.
  • Agents cannot execute activities that have the Authenticate? check box (on the Security tab of the Activity form), unless the Bypass activity authentication check box (on the Security tab of the Agents form) is selected.
  • Agents do not have an associated business calendar. The batch requestor honors the default server locale settings, including the default calendar when executing agent activities that contain business calendar logic.
  • Agents operate using the clock time of the server on which they run.
  • Although the agents rule form contains a version, the Agent Manager does not use rule resolution to determine which version of an agents rule to run. The highest version always runs.