Viewing the integration landscape

To view an interactive diagram that displays connections between data types and systems of record, access the integration landscape. The integration landscape helps you to understand these relationships in an organized, efficient way.

  1. Click Data.
  2. Click View integration landscape.
    Tip: To increase the size of the diagram, click the zoom icon.
  3. View the information in the integration landscape.
    • In the center of the diagram, view the data types in your application.
    • On the left of the diagram, view your application and internal system of records that are connected to the data types in your application.
    • On the right of the diagram, view the external systems of record that are connected to the data types in your application.
    • The number on each system of record is the number of data types that are sourced from that system of record.
    • The connecting lines show which data types are sourced from which systems of record.
      Note: The thickness of a connecting line indicates the number of data views in the data type that are sourced from the connected system of record.
  4. Optional: To view a detailed view of a data type in the data designer, click on the data type that you want to view.
  5. To close the diagram, click Hide integration landscape.