Uploading a push notifications certificate
By uploading a push notifications certificate to an iOS certificate set in Pega Platform, you can use the certificate set for a custom mobile app or an SDK mobile app that you are configuring, so that push notifications are enabled in the mobile app.
Before you begin: Before doing the steps in the following procedure, you must already have generated a
.p12 file containing a single private key and a single public APNs certificate.
- If you have created a new certificate set, open a new certificate set.
- If you want to modify an existing certificate set, edit an existing certificate set.
- From the Mobile Provisioning file list, click a provisioning profile that supports push notifications. Otherwise, the Push Notification Certificate list is not visible.
- Click New that is located next to the Push Notification Certificate list.
- Click Browse, and select an APNs certificate file from your directory that contains a single private key.
- In the Certificate name field, enter the name for the push notifications certificate. The name cannot include underscore ( _ ), hyphen (-), or period (.) characters.
- In the Encryption password field, enter the encryption password for the push notifications certificate.
- Click OK.
- Click Submit.