Fields for operator contact information and application access

Complete the Profile tab to define the contact information, application access, and localization information for an operator. The access groups that you specify affect which rulesets, ruleset versions, and portals the user can access.

Contact Information

Field Description
Operator image Optional. Associate a photograph, graphic, or other image with this operator. If no image is specified, a default image from the binary file rule images.dialogprofileimage.gif appears.

For best results:

  1. Prepare a small square image about 25 to 56 pixels on each side, in a JPG, GIF, or PNG format.
  2. Click Browse... or Choose File to navigate to the image file.
  3. Click Upload Image... to upload the image file.
  4. Save the rule.
  • When you save the Operator ID form, an image content data instance ( Data-Content-Image class) is created to hold the uploaded image file. The image is not part of the Operator ID instance.
  • If you delete an Operator ID instance, any associated image content data instance is also deleted. If you copy an Operator ID instance using Save As, the newly created Operator ID instance is not linked to the image.
  • Property pyImageFileName links the Operator ID to an image content data instance.
  • The Delete Image option only disassociates the Data-Content-Image instance from the operator. The image is not deleted.
Title Optional. Enter a title, such as Mr. or Ms.
First name Optional. Enter the first name for this user.
Last name Optional. Enter the last name for this user.
Full name Enter the full name of this user. This text is present in the standard portal displays including Dev Studio, Case Manager, and Case Worker portals. Enter up to 50 characters.

A few standard portal displays use the Short Description field — not the Operator Full Name value — to identify operators. To have the system present the full names on such displays, copy the Operator Full Name value to the Short Description field.

Position/job title Optional. Enter the job title or position of this user.
Phone Optional. Enter the business phone number of the user. (If your system includes the optional PegaCALL component, a different property pyExtension holds the phone number; that property does not appear on the Operator ID form.)
Email Optional. Enter an email address for messages sent from this user or sent by an application to this user.
  • The pyEmailAddress property has a maximum length of 40 characters. You can overwrite this property with a higher maximum length if needed.
  • The system does not check the format or validity of the address.

Application access

Specify which applications this operator will access by populating a list of access groups.
Field Description
Access Groups For each row in the grid, select the name of an access group (a Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup instance) for this user. Designate a default access group by clicking the radio button next to the desired access group name. Use the expand icon to see a list of roles associated with the access group.
  • If this operator will use a composite portal to enter work items for multiple applications, create and add a distinct access group for each application
  • Application scoping control preferences are stored on the access group level. If you delete (and later re-add) an access group from the list, the Application Explorer will default to displaying results in all application layers.
Application Displays the name and version of the application this operator has access to. Click to open the rule.
Roles Expand the Access Group item to display the access roles that are available to this operator. Click to open the access role rule.


Field Description
Default locale Optional. You can associate an initial locale with this operator that affects the processing and presentation of dates, times, and numbers.

For example, enter de_DE to use the German display mode for dates (DD.MM.YY) rather than the American mode ( MM/DD/YY).

If the Internet Options locale setting for the user's workstation should apply for the application, leave this field blank.

If the field is not blank and the system contains locale-specific rulesets corresponding to rulesets that this user can access, the user can work with an entire localized application.

Time zone Optional. Select a time zone to be used for presenting dates and times to this user in:
  • Work object history
  • Reports on work items and assignments

For example, select America/New_York for the US Eastern time zone; the display adjusts correctly for daylight savings time. Select Europe/London for London time.

As a best practice, if all or nearly all operators in an organization are in a single time zone and follow a common business day calendar, leave this field blank for those operators who share the organizational calendar and time zone. Complete the Calendar and Time Zone fields only for the operators who are exceptions.

These values are grouped by zone, not alphabetically, in the drop-down list, starting with the zone that is 12 hours away from Greenwich, England. Time zone codes follow the Olson TZ database, used in the ICU4J 3.4.4 library and most UNIX systems. Details on the Olson TZ database are available from

Do not type a three-letter code in this field, as such codes are ambiguous in certain cases and may produce incorrect presentation of daylight savings time in other cases. For details, see the Pega Community article Issue: Avoid three-letter time zone codes because they do not support Daylight Savings Time.

Settings in this field only affect the presentation of DateTime values. Within the database, all DateTime values are recorded in universal time, informally known as GMT. As a result, a work item resolved in one country on Tuesday may be presented as resolved on Monday when the history is reviewed in another country.

As a best practice, if your organization has all its staff and servers in a single time zone, leave the Calendar and Time Zone fields blank. If most staff and all servers are in a common time zone, leave the Calendar field blank but complete a Time Zone value for the exceptional operators. If the organization has operators and servers across many time zones, create a Calendar for each time zone and specify both the Calendar and Time Zone fields in every Operator ID instance.