An operator defines a unique identifier, password, preferences, and personal information for a user. Create operators so that people and processes can access your application.
Clusters and Operator IDs
After you save a new or updated Operator ID instance, the change might not be reflected on another node in a cluster until the Pega-RULES agent on that node performs the next system pulse — typically after no more than 60 seconds. Unlike instances of most other Data- classes, the system saves Operator ID instances to the rule cache. As a result, until the next time the rule cache is synchronized, one node might access a stale copy from its rules cache.
Bulk operator load
You can create Operator ID instances by importing a comma-separated values (CSV) file, such as created by Microsoft Excel. For an example, search for "Bulk Operator Load" in the Pega Exchange area of Pega Community. You might need to adapt and extend this example to meet local requirements.
Operator ID property
After a requestor logs in, the Operator ID identifier is available on the
page as the pxUserIdentifier property.
Operator IDs and external identity providers
If you implement authentication by using an external identity provider (IdP), the login process accesses IdP for authentication and ignores the password in this Operator ID instance. However, an Operator ID data instance is still needed for each user.
Operator passwords
Operator ID passwords are saved as hashed values in the PegaRULES database, using the salted bcrypt (default) algorithm. Two property types are used when changing the password, Password type for the New Password field, and Text type for the Confirm Password field. The Data-Admin-Operator-ID.pyPwdCurrent property stores the entered password after it is validated.
On Pega Community, see Using the bcrypt hashing algorithm for Password property types for more information about the Password property type.