Setting up application package options for iOS

To push notifications to your SDK mobile app from the Pega Platform , you must set up a certificate set that has push notifications enabled. Information that push notifications are enabled is displayed when you select a certificate set that has push notifications enabled.

Note: To use push notifications from the Pega Platform , your native mobile app must be developed with the Pega Mobile SDK.
  1. On the Integrate your application panel, select the iOS switch.
  2. Optional: Select Upload binaries. This action allows you to later distribute the app from the Pega Platform by using a QR code.
  3. Optional: Select Upload app icon. This action allows you to customize the icon in the Pega Platform for the SDK mobile app.
  4. If a certificate set does not exist for the app that has push notifications enabled, Create a certificate set.
  5. If a certificate set has already been defined, in the Certificate set list, select an existing certificate set.
  6. Optional: In the Version field, enter the release version for your app. Keeping track of different versions of your mobile app helps you during the development, testing and production stages.
  7. Click Save.