

Installs a set applications enumerated on the list.

The onListChanged handler is called once, immediately after this call, and it returns a new, extended list of applications. The initial state for each new application is installing. The installation process then follows for each application separately and can be tracked by onApplicationChanged listener.

Calling this method triggers an application ID validation mechanism, which verifies if the ID consists of the following characters only:

  • A-Z / a-z, 0-9, .,-_%#+

If the ID contains any illegal characters, the validation mechanism throws the "The 'id' parameter contains some illegal characters" exception.


installApplications( array, username, password, allowCachingFail )


This method does not return anything.


Name Description Type Use
array An array of Application objects. object required
username Overrides the identifier parameter set by the AccountManager. string optional
password Overrides the username parameter set by the AccountManager. string optional
allowCachingFail When set to "true", if application caching fails, the installation attempt is not repeated until the next update. This parameter is supported on iOS devices only. boolean optional

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