

An object used to create applications that can add and/or retrieve phone numbers and email addresses to/from a user's address book.

The contact objects managed by this API are compliant with the 2013 definition of the W3C Contacts Manager API specification.

Use the launchbox.Contacts reference to obtain an instance of this object.


This object belongs to the Contact Database product module.


The table below lists all constant values of the Contacts object, used as failure codes in onFailure callbacks.

Name Description
window.launchbox.Contacts.INTERNAL_ERROR Denotes that an internal error occurred.
window.launchbox.Contacts.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR Denotes that an invalid argument has been used.


Name Return type Description
save undefined

Uses given parameters to add an entry to the user's address book.

find undefined

Searches the user's address book for entries matching given parameters.

remove undefined

Uses given parameters to remove an entry from the user's address book.

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