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Reports in the Analyze Performance group

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Reports in the Analyze Performance group of the Monitor Activity workspace cover resolved work objects and selected flow rules. Reports cover work objects processed by the currently selected application:

Select a link and review the status line of the Internet Explorer window to learn the name of the associated summary view or list view report.


Select a flow rule from the selection list, or choose All Flows to report consolidated results for all flows combined.

The reports analyze which flow actions were selected how often, by assignment, and the timeliness of the selection.

These reports are derived from instances in the History-Work- classes with a history type of F (property .pyHistoryType), indicating that a user has completed a connector flow action. For an assignment, duration begins when a user selects a connector flow action, and ends when the work object is updated and the assignment is complete.

For basic information about Monitor Activity reports and charts, see Working in the Monitor Activity workspace (WorkManager portal).

Developers can change the order and links of reports of reports in this area by overriding model rules named System-User-MyRules.PerformanceAnalysisReports. See Evolving the Monitor Activity workspace.

  View Flow chart

Heat mapSelect a flow name (in the lower left corner of this space and click the View Flow icon (View Flow) to see the flow diagram with overlays at each assignment that has an associated service level rule The overlay shows the number of assignments in the workbasket or worklist that are:

  Summary view reports

These reports are based on summary view rules.



Action Analysis


Presents a tabular report identifying the percentage of time, for each assignment, that users selected each connector flow action. You can compare these actual results with the expected percentages (known as likelihoods) presented on the flow diagram itself.

This report may help identify which flow actions take the longest to complete, and which are used more often or less often, than expected.

Detail rows show the average duration and counts.

Action Performance

Drill down summary by flow listing the count, processing time, idle time, and duration.

Action Processing Time Chart

Reports on the average time, in hours, for a flow action to be completed.

Performance Detail  Chart

Presents a summary report of number of tasks, average time tasks spend in processing, and idle time. Data are grouped by flow name, assignment, action, and the performer.

A special activity computes idle time as the average of this difference:

(pxAssignmentElapsedTime - pyPerformActionTime)

Task Duration Chart


Presents a pie chart and summary statistics for completed assignments, by selected connector flow action. Identifies the flow actions that require users the most time to complete.

Columns identify the total time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) and count for each connector flow action. Click a row to see the supporting details.

Task Performance Chart

Presents a bar chart and summary counts of how much time — in hours — tasks are in processing and in idle mode as well the total time that a task takes to complete.

Timeliness by Task Chart

Presents a bar chart and summary counts of completed assignments in the selected flow or flow, by selected connector flow action.

Columns identify how many were completed within the goal time associated with the assignment, beyond the goal by within the deadline time, past deadline, and totals.

Click a row to see supporting detail, including the task duration in seconds.


CautionThese reports may fail or may operate with poor performance if the system saves instances of the work history classes in your system in a table that does not have appropriate columns exposed. Use the table pr_history_work (or another table with similar exposed columns) for work object history, not the pr_history or pr_other table. To confirm correct mapping of work history:

  1. Use the Class Explorer to open the Class form for each History-ZZZZ class in your application, where ZZZZ is a class group name.
  2. Click the  Test Connectivity   button on the Basics tab.

OldIf your system contains work object history instances created on a Version 4.2 system, a special one-time conversion is required to adjust the exposed columns of the older instances. Reports based on work object history may be incomplete until you run the conversion activity. Consult the Upgrade Guide 5.1 for details.

Definitions deadline, goal, history type, likelihood
Related topics WorkManager portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace
Standard rules Atlas — Standard properties in the History-Work- class

UpUser portal basics