These reports are based on summary view rules.
Action Analysis
Presents a tabular report identifying the percentage of time, for each
assignment, that users selected each connector flow action. You can compare
these actual results with the expected percentages (known as likelihoods)
presented on the flow diagram itself.
This report may help identify which flow actions take the longest to
complete, and which are used more often or less often, than expected.
Detail rows show the average duration and counts.
Action Performance
Drill down summary by flow listing the count, processing time, idle time, and duration.
Action Processing Time  History-Work-.
ActionPerformanceTime |
Reports on the average time, in hours, for a flow action to be completed.
Performance Detail  History-Work-.
PerformanceDetail |
Presents a summary report of number of tasks, average time tasks spend in
processing, and idle time. Data are grouped by flow name, assignment, action,
and the performer.
A special activity computes idle time as the average of this difference:
(pxAssignmentElapsedTime - pyPerformActionTime)
Task Duration 
Presents a pie chart and summary statistics for completed assignments, by
selected connector flow action. Identifies the flow actions that require
users the most time to complete.
Columns identify the total time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) and count
for each connector flow action. Click a row to see the supporting
Task Performance
Presents a bar chart and summary counts of how much time — in hours
— tasks are in processing and in idle mode as well the total
time that a task takes to complete.
Timeliness by Task  History-Work-.
Presents a bar chart and summary counts of completed assignments in the
selected flow or flow, by selected connector flow action.
Columns identify how many were completed within the goal time associated
with the assignment, beyond the goal by within the deadline time, past
deadline, and totals.
Click a row to see supporting detail, including the task duration in