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Operation of your Process Commander system benefits from several caches, provided by various software facilities.
For more information about these caches, search the Pega Developer Network for
Rule Caches (May 2006), a
PDF document.
Use the System Management Application to learn the current count and size in bytes of the rule cache, rule assembly cache, declarative pages cache, and conclusion cache. From the Developer portal:
Process Commander maintains a memory cache of recently found (and non-found) rules to improve the performance of the engine, especially during rule resolution searches. This rule cache (also called the rule instance cache) operates invisibly and automatically. The system adds to the cache any rule that is read three or more times (for some rule types, a higher limit applies). Caching provides a substantial performance and response time improvement for all users.
Instances of most concrete classes other than those derived from the Rule- base class are not cached in the rule cache.
In a multinode cluster, a rule recently updated by a user on one node can also be present (and stale) in the rule cache of another node. During system pulse processing, the Pega-RULES agent on each node clears such stale rules from the rule cache.
Access to the rule cache is supported by a separate identity index, linking the family names of rules to the individual rules in the rule cache. (The family name
In older releases, the rule
cache was sometimes called the instance cache,
database cache, or system cache.
For your own requestor session, the Performance tool display contains statistics on the use of this cache, in the Database Access Counts area.
For a statistical overview of rule cache performance on the node since startup, select Advanced > Rule Cache Management from the System Management application menus.
Initially, the rule cache limit is 3,000 entries. This count includes rules on "probation". Probationary entries contain only keys and usage counts, rather than the full rule content. If this cache limit is approached during system operations, older entries are discarded automatically to make room for newer entries, following the Most Recently Used (MRU) algorithm.
You can change this limit by adding a
setting similar to:
<env name="cache/instancecountlimit" value="nnnnn" />
Memory consumed by this cache is not available for other JVM operations. To see the size in entries and bytes of this cache, select Tools > System Management Application, select a node, and click the Memory Management menu item. Look for the row labeled Rule Instance in the Cache grouping.
When required in special
situations, your activity can call the PublicAPI function
PRThread.setCacheEnabled(false) to disable rules
caching temporarily for the current requestor.
About the
Rules Assembly cache
The Rules Assembly cache identifies rules for which rules assembly on the current node is complete. Each rule that generates Java and executes is a candidate for the cache. The system saves the generated Java code and the compiled Java code on disk in the temporary files directory.
By default, the rules assembly cache is limited to 20,000
entries. If this limit is approached during system
operations, older entries are discarded automatically to make
room for newer entries, following the Most Recently Used
(MRU) algorithm. The system records this situation in the
Alert log as a PEGA0016 or PEGA0017 alert. You can change
this limit by adding a prconfig.xml
similar to:
<env name="fua/global/instanceCountLimit" value="nnnnn" />
Memory consumed by this cache is not available for other JVM operations. Memory consumed by this cache is not available for other JVM operations. To see the size in entries and bytes of this cache, select Tools > System Management Application, select a node, and click the Memory Management menu item. Look for the row labeled Rule Assembly in the Cache grouping.
If rules assembly occurs often on a production system (when few rules are being modified), the rules assembly cache may be too small.
Periodically — at system shutdown and once each 24 hours — the system records statistics about the contents of the rules assembly cache in instances of the Log-RuleUsage and Log-RuleUsage-Detail classes. This information is normally used at the next system startup to "prime" the rules assembly cache during the next system startup, so that it doesn't start empty. See:
PEGA0016 and PEGA0017 alerts
The rules assembly cache, personal rules cache, PropertyReference cache, and two minor caches (LowerCase and UpperCase) each have a target size, measured by record count, of approximately three-fourths of the maximum size.
For example, the default maximum size of the rules assembly cache is 20,000 items, so the default target size is about 15,000 items.
When Process Commander detects that a cache has reached the target size, the system adds a PEGA0016 alert message to the Alert log, and allows older records in the cache to become invalidated (replaced as needed by newer records).
When Process Commander detects that a cache has reached the limit specified in the prconfig.xml file (or a default limit if none is specified), the system adds a PEGA0017 alert message to the Alert log, and forcibly deletes the oldest records in the cache until the target size is reached. For example, about 5,000 older rules are purged from a rules assembly cache containing 20,000 items. Additions and updates to the cache are temporarily blocked from during the purge operation.
If your Alert log contains many PEGA0016 or PEGA0017
alerts, investigate the size limit for that cache and analyze
possible causes. You can increase the limits by changing the
file, but that reduces JVM memory
available for other system processing.
See Pega Developer Network Article PRKB-25354 Understanding the PEGA0017 Alert.
About the
static content caches
Static content refers to information that can be extracted once from a rule to a HTTP server or Web server and thereafter is unaffected by use of an application, the contents of user clipboards, and so on. Process Commander stores static contents for these rule types:
Each directory below the StaticContent
directory contains extracted static content; the directory
name encodes the exact RuleSet list that the content belongs
to. To minimize storage, Process Commander creates directory
names with on a hash code derived from an entire RuleSet
list. So, the file system can contain many different files
named CompanyLogo.jpg. Which CompanyLogo.jpg file that a user
receives for display in a browser session depends on that
user's RuleSet list.
Use the System Management application to delete all the static content extracted on the current node. Alternatively, you can delete the extract marker file to cause the system to clear the static content directories at the next startup.
The location of the StaticContent
is determined by a temporary files path setting in the
The RuleFileServlet
servlet locates and
"serves" the correct version of a static content
file to a user. If the static, extracted file has never
previously been referenced, this servlet first extracts the
file from the rule, and then converts images and other binary
files from Base64-encoding to the normal file format.
Through settings in the prconfig.xml
Process Commander supports HTTP compression of static files,
to reduce HTTP message size and network demand. The
setting (for UNIX) is
enabled by default, meaning that compression occurs. If
needed for debugging or other purposes, you can set the value
of these settings to false to disable such compression.
A similar setting HTTP/ServerZIPEnabled
setting for Windows servers is not enabled by default. If
desired, add this setting with value="true":
<env name="HTTP/ServerZIPEnabled" value="true" />
Process Commander automatically saves, as XML files on disk, the results of list view report called by certain standard activities. These form a cache of recent search results available for redisplay and reuse, if the same list is needed later. This collection of disk files is known as the lookup list cache, which exists independently on each node.
This cache significantly can reduce database searches and improve response times. If users ask for a list that is not present in the cache, the system:
If system operations later invalidate the contents of a lookup list, the system automatically deletes the corresponding lookup list file. That lookup list is not regenerated until the next time it is requested.
The many standard activities named LookupList execute list view reports also named LookupList; details vary by Applies To class. These activities are often useful when you configure Dynamic Select controls.
In a multinode cluster, each server has a separate lookup list cache. Synchronization processing that occurs during the system pulse on each node can cause the lookup list cache on a node to be purged; its contents are then rebuilt as needed.
Using the System Management application, you can clear this cache on a specific node. This is required only in rare, unusual situations.
The personal rule cache operates similar to the rule assemble cache, but for checked-out rules. Like the rule assembly cache, the personal rule cache has a default limit of 20,000 rules.
You can change this limit by adding a
setting similar to:
<env name="fua/personal/instanceCountLimit" value="nnnnn" />
A conclusion is a saved instance of a generated Java
object. Conclusions cached speed the runtime lookup of field
value rules, class rules, property alias rules, and selected
properties. The conclusion cache corresponds to instances of
the System-CachedConclusion class, stored in the
table of the PegaRULES database.
Using the System Management application, you can review or clear the conclusion cache, though such clearing is needed rarely and only in response to specific symptoms. Choose a node, then select Advanced > Dictionary Cache.
To see the size in entries and bytes of this cache, select Tools > System Management Application, select a node, and click the Memory Management menu item. Look for the row labeled Dictionary in the Cache grouping.
Clearing this cache can
seriously degrade performance until the contents are recached. Do not clear this cache unless
advised by Pegasystems Global Support.
This cache supports declarative processing. If instructed by Pegasystems staff, you can clear it with the System Management Application menu option Advanced > Declarative Rules Management > Clear.
To clear the Internet Explorer cache on a workstation:
By default, the HTTP messages sent from Process Commander
to a browser session have a cache-control setting of 24 hours
(86,400 seconds). The prconfig.xml
file element named
controls this HTTP