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The Check In feature lets a team of application developers work on an application (associated with a RuleSet Name) without interfering with or overwriting each other's efforts. Only one developer can have a specific rule checked out at any one time.

On the toolbar, the check in button (Check In) identifies the check in operation. (This button is visible only when check in is possible for the currently displayed rule instance.)

The Use checkout? check box on a RuleSet Name rule determines whether the check out/check in feature applies to that RuleSet.

To update a rule instance that belongs to such a RuleSet:

  1. Open the rule.
  2. Click the Check out toolbar button (Checkout) or the equivalent keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + C to check out the rule instance into your private RuleSet. The system marks the so that no one else can check it out.
  3. Change the private copy as desired. Other users are cannot execute the private copy and are unaffected by your testing (unless you alter and save instances).
  4. Test the changed rule as necessary.
  5. Check it back in with the Check In toolbar button, which removes it from your private RuleSet and replaces the original rule.

To view all recently checked-in rules:

If all developers on your system use check-in, select View > Rules > List of Recently updated to see a list of rules recently saved.

Customizing check-in

TipThe standard activity Rule-.SetApprovalDependency contains no steps; it is an extension point activity. To customize check-in, override this empty activity with an activity in your application.

Definitions check out, extension point, private RuleSet, rule management facility,
Related topics About RuleSet Name rules
Working with the My Checked Out Rules report

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