Back Forward Flow problem

Flow problems are error conditions that a flow execution encounter as it executes that prevents it from continuing. For example, the flow may reference a rule that is not found at runtime. This is considered a flow problems (or a problem flow), and can arise from many different sources.

The system halts the progress of that flow execution and starts a flow named Work-.FlowProblems. This flow normally notifies a user named, where is the organization of the user (requestor) who encountered the problem, and creates an assignment. Your application can override the standard activity Work-.ToProblemFlowOperator to designate a different operator as the recipient of these flow problems.

If you can fix the problem through a change in the flow rule, by modifying a rule, or creating a new rule, the processing can resume.

Your organization can copy and override the FlowProblems flow and the ToProblemFlowOperator routing activity to meet your needs.

Consult the Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-8963 Use the FlowProblem flow to route and fix common flow problems for more information.

Definitions problem assignments
Related topics Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments

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