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zzzThe left panel of the portal is known as the navigation panel.

For User portals, this area contains the Work Pool Selector, a broadcast message, and the bars used to change to another workspace.

For the Developer portal, the navigation area contains the Explorer tools.

zzzThrough a portal rule, your can modify the appearance and contents of the navigation panel, including the logo image, the Launch link, Help link and Log off link.

For User portals, the Help, Launch, and Log off links are outside the panel, at the upper right. The navigation panel has a different appearance but operates the same.

TipSome forms in the workspace are wide. To view more of the workspace, click the collapse arrow (Collapse) at the top right of the navigation panel to temporarily hide the navigation. Click the expand arrow (Expand) to restore the navigation panel.

TipUsing standard Windows drag operations, you can select and grow or shrink the width of the navigation panel.

Advanced featureThrough use of a skin rule, the navigation panel can be placed on the right rather than the left side of the portal. This feature helps support localization into right-to-left languages such as Arabic.
Definitionsbroadcast message, portal, profile, skin rule, workspace, work pool name
Related topicsAbout Portal rules
Developer portal basics
User portal basics

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