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Completing the New or Save As form

About Unit Test Suite rules

Unit Test suite rules have one key part, a name.




Select Unit Test Suite from the SysAdmin category.


Enter a short, descriptive name for the rule.

Tip Create a separate RuleSet to hold test case and test suite rules rather than save them into a RuleSet that will be moved to a production system. For more information, see the Pega Developer Network article PDN25101 Creating a Test Suite.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

As with most rules, when you search for a unit test suite , the system shows you only those rules that belong to a RuleSet and version that you have access to.

Unit Test Suite rules cannot be qualified by circumstance or time.

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