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The Process Explorer display is available to all developers. This display conveys the relationships among flow rules that apply to a single work pool.

Select File > Open > Work Pool to view or change your current work pool.

Starting the Process Explorer

Use any of these navigational methods to access the Flow Explorer display:

Working with the Display

You can expand or contract the display.

  1. Select By Description? to present Short Description text within the rectangle that displays each flow rule. Clear this check box to present the Flow Type key part instead.
  2. Starter flows — those that create new work objects — appear at the left of the display. Subflows (called, branched to or referenced by a Split-Join or Split-ForEach shape) appear to the right.
  3. A large application may contain many levels of subflows. Adjust the Levels control to determine how many levels are presented. If the window is too narrow to show them all, use the horizontal scroll bars to see the flows of interest.
  4. Click any rectangle to open the corresponding flow rule.

Flow Explorer


Definitions Flash Player plug-in, personal RuleSet, starter flow, subflow, work pool name

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