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About Section rules

Your system contains hundreds of standard section rules. Most useful in your application are those that apply to the Work- or Work-Cover- class. Others — typically that apply to @baseclass — support a composite portals. (Additiona standard sections support developer-oriented flow processing, such as that provided by the Application Accelerator and Connector wizard.)

To understand the structure of a harness-based form, use the Rules Inspector tool to identify the underlying harness, section, and property rules.

To see a complete list of the standard and custom section rules available to you (based on your RuleSets and security), use the Rules by Type Explorer.

These standard section rules are notable:

Sections for Work Object forms ( A to H )



Work-.Action Final Presents, as a drop-down list, the available flow actions available to a user who is performing an assignment. Referenced in the standard harness rule Work-.Perform. See Presenting flow actions — Comparing three alternatives.
Work-.Action_Buttons Final Presents an array of buttons identifying the flow actions available to a user who is performing an assignment. Referenced in the standard harness rule Work-.Perform_Buttons. See Presenting flow actions — Comparing three alternatives.
Work-.ActionExternal Final Supports external assignments.
Presents the preselected flow action as a default choice, with others available through buttons. Referenced in the standard harness rule Work-.Perform_Step. See Presenting flow actions — Comparing three alternatives.
Work-.ActionScreenFlow Presents actions to a user during execution of a screen flow.
Work-.AllMessages Uses the $ALL-MESSAGES keyword to cause display of all messages associated with the current base page.
Work-.AutoClose When expanded, causes the work object form to close.
Work-.BodySample Copied into applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator. Introduced in Release 5.3. About the Application Accelerator.
Work-.CoreParty Captures information about the work parties involved in the work object; allows the user to add a party (subject the relevant work party rule).
Work-.CoreSummary Contains the pyDescription and pyProblemReason properties.
Work-.Details Aggregates four other standard sections: EffortandCharges, Responsiveness, Ownership, and Resolution.
Work-.Flows Supports the  Start New Process   button, that allows users to select and start a second (or additional) flow execution on the current work object. Appears in most Perform and Update harness rules. Lists only flow rules that belong to the user's RuleSet list and that have the Can be added to a work object? box on the Process tab selected.
Work-.HeaderSample Copied into applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator. Introduced in Release 5.3. About the Application Accelerator.

Sections for Work Object forms (I to Q)



Work-.NewHeaderSample Copied into applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator. Introduced in Release 5.3.
Work-.Ownership Displays the pyOrigUserID, pyContactChange, and pxCreateDateTime properties.
Work-.PartySimple Captures information about the work parties involved in the work object; allows the user to add a party (subject the relevant work party rule). Copied into applications created by the (basic) Application Accelerator. Introduced in Release 5.3.
Work-.PortletSection Final Template rule, copy for sections that are to support access through JSR-168 portlets.
Work-.ProcessSteps Supports horizontal presentation of the breadcrumbs control.
Work-.ProcessStepsVertical Supports vertical stack presentation of the breadcrumbs control.
Supports horizontal presentation of the breadcrumbs control inside the action frame.

Sections for Work Object forms (I to Q)



Work-.Responsiveness Displays properties that convey customer satisfaction, elapsed time in various statuses, and acknowledgment details.
Work-.Resolution Supports users' ability to reopen a resolved work object.
@baseclass.SmartInfoClickable When included within a pop-up section that is to be presented as a SmartInfo or SmartLabel pop-up, adds a close box to the pop-up. The SmartInfo popup window remains open until the user clicks the close box or another button on the form.
Work-.WordInclude Supports inline editing or display of property values using Microsoft Word. See How to implement inline Word editing.
Work-.WorkItemSmartInfo Supports the hover-and-see worklist feature. See How to implement "hover-and-see" worklists with Smart Info.

Sections for Composite Portals

These section rules provide capabilities similar to "gadgets" in legacy User portals. See How to build a composite portal.



@baseclass.Dashboard Presents four interactive charts summarizing work processing.
@baseclass.FindWork Supports searching for work objects.
@baseclass.LogOff Provides a Log Off button or link.
@baseclass.NewWork Allows users to enter a new work object. Various formats.
@baseclass.Profile Displays selected facts about the operator profile, and includes a button that provides a full profile display.
@baseclass.RecentWork Displays recently opened work objects.
@baseclass.RecentWork Displays a worklist.

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