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The Processes landing page contains three gadgets that give visibility to aspects of the current application:



Process & RulesProcess and Rules



 Using the Process Explorer gadget

The Process Explorer gadget displays in a graphical form — for the current application and selected work pool — Process Explorer examplestarter flow rules and the subflows they call. This makes it easier to identify caller/calling relationships among flow rules in an application.

  1. Select By Description? to present Short Description text within the rectangle that displays each flow rule. Clear this checkbox to present the Flow Type key part instead.
  2. Starter flows — those that create new work objects — appear as green rectangles at the left of the display( ). Subflows (called, branched to or referenced by a Split-Join or Split-ForEach shape) appear beneath and to the right of flows ( ) as blue rectangles.
  3. A large application may contain many levels of subflows. Adjust the Levels control to determine how many levels are presented. BUG-3167
  4. Click any rectangle to open the corresponding flow rule.

 Using the Flow Errors gadget

This report lists flow errors that are routed to your worklist or work group in your current application by a getProblemFlowOperator activity. Each row identifies one flow problem. Rows may reflect a common condition or unrelated conditions from multiple applications.

Using the View errors located in drop-down list, select Worklist or Workbaskets to see flow errors that are routed to one or the other in your current application.




Select to designate one or more rows that you want to apply your problem resolution choice as defined by the button you select on this gadget.

Error Message

Underlying problem that caused the flow error.


Identifier of work object associated with this error.


Name of the flow in which the error occurred. To open the flow rule, click the displayed name.


Name of the problem flow step in which the error occurred (pyFlowParameters.ProblemFlowStep).


ID of operator to whose worklist the problem flow assignment is routed by the getProblemFlowOperator activity. To open the Operator ID rule, click the displayed name.

After you have diagnosed and addressed a problem, check the Add box in one or more rows of this report and click a button to implement your disposition of the problem.




Updates this report with the latest list of flow problems on your worklist.

Select All

Selects the Add box for every row in the report.

Deselect All

Clears the Add box for every row in the report.

Resume Flow

Click to resume flow execution beginning at the step after the step that paused, without re-executing any rule in the step that paused.

This choice is common after many types of repairs to rules or data objects. For example, if a flow is stuck at a Decision shape, you can either: MARIK 3/17/06

  • Update the flow rule to add a missing connector and click  Resume Flow.
  • Update the decision tree, decision table, or map value rule to return a value that the flow already accepts, and click Retry Last Step.
Retry Last Step

Click to resume flow execution but begin by re-executing the step that paused. This choice is typically appropriate for connector failures or timeouts.

Restart Flow

Click to start flow at the initial step.

Delete Orphan Assignments

Deletes an assignment for which the work object cannot be found. Such orphans may arise through design or implementation errors, access issues, RuleSet issues, or database integrity issues.

About flow errors

When it detects a flow error, Process Commander normally starts the standard flow Work-.FlowProblems (using the same work object ID). It creates an assignment and places the assignment on a worklist, typically named, where is the organization of the operator who last worked on the work object. You can customize the standard activity Work-.getProblemFlowOperator in each application to send these to a different worklist or to a workbasket.

For example, these conditions cause a flow error execution to start:

In a production setting, review and diagnose every flow problem or problem assignment to insure data integrity.

 Using the Service Level Agreements gadget

Use this gadget to verify which service level agreements (service level rules) are in active use, and by which flows, in the current application.



Name Name key for this service. To open its rule form for review or updating, click the displayed name.
Applies To Class key for this service. To open the class form for review or updating, click the displayed name.
Goal The Goal value defined on the General tab of the service level rule.
Deadline The Deadline value defined on the General tab of the service level rule.
References The count of flow rules with assignments that reference this service level rule. Double-click the number to display a list of flows that comprise the total.
Definitions landing page, service level rule, flow errors
Related topics About flow rules
About flow action rules
About service level rules
Troubleshooting — Stuck work objects

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